PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 05:02 PM

Frequently-Asked Question FAQ #216

FAQ-216: Coverage for 7-year CDA

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Question: Assuming a system operating below 30% SMYS and reassessment every 20 years, how much of a system must be assessed via CDA at the 7 and 14 year intervals? How do we determine where we must use CDA?

Answer: All covered segments must be assessed at least every 7 years. For pipelines operating below 30% SMYS, confirmatory direct assessment (CDA) or low-pressure reassessment (per 192.941) are available options for performing these assessments. It is up to each operator to select the assessment method appropriate for each covered segment.

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are intended to clarify, explain, and promote better understanding of the pipeline integrity management rules. These FAQs are not substantive rules and do not create rights, assign duties, or impose new obligations not outlined in the existing integrity management regulations and standards. Requests for informal interpretations regarding the applicability of one or more of the pipeline integrity management rules to a specific situation may be submitted to PHMSA in accordance with 49 C.F.R. ยง 190.11.
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