PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:54 PM

Frequently-Asked Question FAQ #117

FAQ-117: Frequency of Updates to Building Density Survey and Identified Site List

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Question: How often must an operator update its building density survey and list of identified sites to determine if new HCAs have been created?

Answer: The rule does not specify a frequency for updating data used to identify HCAs. Instead, the rule states that operators must complete an evaluation when they have information that the area around a segment not previously identified as an HCA has changed so that it might now be one. Operators are expected to assure that their HCA definitions are current. In an area in which there is rapid growth or change in the use of buildings near the pipeline, that may require frequent updating. In an area where less growth is occurring, updates could occur more infrequently. In any event, OPS would expect that operators would evaluate conditions along their pipelines at least annually to determine if they have changed.

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are intended to clarify, explain, and promote better understanding of the pipeline integrity management rules. These FAQs are not substantive rules and do not create rights, assign duties, or impose new obligations not outlined in the existing integrity management regulations and standards. Requests for informal interpretations regarding the applicability of one or more of the pipeline integrity management rules to a specific situation may be submitted to PHMSA in accordance with 49 C.F.R. ยง 190.11.
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