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USAID Disability Policies

"...The USAID policy on disability is to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities both within USAID programs and in host countries where USAID has programs."

Photo: Photo three people with hearing impairments, one is also a wheelchair user
Three members of the Gulu Deaf Association
participated in a three-month training of trainers
for sign language and were selected to train
others with deafness in subcounties in Uganda.
Courtesy of Sue Eitel.
There are three main sets of policy guidance that outline USAID's policies on disability:
  1. The USAID Disability Policy Paper (pdf, 36kb).

  2. The Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directive (AAPD) on Standards for Accessibility for the Disabled in USAID-Financed Construction (pdf, 157kb) provides standards for any new or renovation construction project funded by USAID to allow access by people with disabilities (PWDs).

  3. The Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directive Supporting USAID’s Disability Policy in Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements (pdf, 231K) that requires contracting officers (COs) and agreement officers (AOs) to include a provision supporting USAID’s Disability Policy in all solicitations and resulting awards for contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements. The provision is an affirmative statement that the contractor or recipient will comply, to the extent practicable and within the scope of the award, with the intent of USAID’s Policy Paper on Disability, dated September 12, 1997.

  4. The Center for Human Capacity and Development's Activities Addressing the Needs of Persons with Disabilities (pdf, 190kb) provides guidelines and policies on opportunities for the disabled.

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Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:34:26 -0500