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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission



Interactive Data Viewers

The SEC's XBRL Voluntary Filing Program was created to encourage public companies and mutual funds to use interactive data to make it easier for investors to get and use information from SEC filings. These web-based applications demonstrate how investors can find, view, download and even analyze financial and other information more quickly when the information is submitted as interactive data rather than as just text:

* Interactive Financial Reports

View, chart and compare company financial information. (Download the source code!)

* Mutual Fund Reader

View and compare mutual fund investment objectives and strategies, risks, costs, and performance. (Download the source code!)

* Financial Explorer

View and visualize company financial data in innovative ways. (Download the source code!)

* Executive Compensation

See how interactive data can make it easier to find and compare executive pay and benefits at 500 large companies.

These applications are on servers not controlled by the SEC. The SEC does not endorse these sites, their sponsors, or any policy, activity, product, data, or service they offer. These sites may be removed from the Internet with little or no warning. The purpose of the data reported is to test XBRL technology. The data is largely unaudited and unreviewed. It is not an official SEC filing. Use these applications at your own risk. Do not rely on the reported data, or documents rendered from the data, to make investment decisions.

Modified: 10/09/2008