PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:41 PM

Protocol Item H.03

H.03 Pipelines Operating Below 30% SMYS

Verify that the following preventive and mitigative requirements for pipelines operating below 30% SMYS have been addressed: [§192.935(d)]

  1. For pipelines operating below 30% SMYS located in a high consequence area:
    1. Verify that the operator's processes for damage prevention program enhancements include requirements for the use of qualified personnel (see Protocol L.02 - §192.915(c)) for work an operator is conducting that could adversely affect the integrity of a covered segment, such as marking, locating, and direct supervision of known excavation work. [§192.935(d) and §192.935(d)(1)] [Note: This requirement is also contained in Protocol H.02.a.i for pipelines operating above 30% SMYS.]
    2. Verify that the operator's processes for damage prevention program enhancements include participating in one-call systems in locations where covered segments are present. [§192.935(d) and §192.935(d)(1)] [Note: This requirement is also contained in Protocol H.02.a.iii for pipelines operating above 30% SMYS.]
    3. Verify that excavations near the pipeline are monitored, or patrols are conducted of the pipeline at bi-monthly intervals as required by §192.705. [§192.935(d) and §192.935(d)(2)]
      1. If indications of unreported construction activity are found, verify that required follow up investigations are conducted to determine if mechanical damage has occurred. [§192.935(d)(2)]
  1. For pipelines operating below 30% SMYS located in a class 3 or 4 area but not in a high consequence area:
    1. Verify that the operator's processes for damage prevention program enhancements include requirements for the use of qualified personnel (see Protocol L.02 - §192.915(c)) for work an operator is conducting that could adversely affect the integrity of a covered segment, such as marking, locating, and direct supervision of known excavation work. [§192.935(d), §192.935(d)(1) and §192 Table E.II.1] [Note: This requirement is also contained in Protocol H.02.a.i for pipelines operating above 30% SMYS.]
    2. Verify that the operator's processes for damage prevention program enhancements include participating in one-call systems in locations where covered segments are present. [§192.935(d), §192.935(d)(1) and §192 Table E.II.1] [Note: This requirement is also contained in Protocol H.02.a.iii for pipelines operating above 30% SMYS.]
    3. Verify that excavations near the pipeline are monitored, or patrols are conducted of the pipeline at bi-monthly intervals as required by §192.705. [§192.935(d), §192.935(d)(2) and §192 Table E.II.1]
      1. If indications of unreported construction activity are found, verify that required follow up investigations are conducted to determine if mechanical damage has occurred. [§192.935(d)(2) and §192 Table E.II.1]
    4. Verify that the operator performs semi-annual leak surveys (quarterly for unprotected pipelines or cathodically protected pipe where electrical surveys are impractical). [§192.935(d)(3)and §192 Table E.II.1]

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