PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:31 PM

Protocol Item H.06

H.06 Corrosion

Verify that the operator takes required actions to address corrosion threats. [§192.917(e)(5)]

  1. Verify that the operator makes a determination of whether or not corrosion exists on a covered pipeline segment that could adversely affect the integrity of the line (conditions specified in §192.933). [§192.917(e)(5)]
    1. If such corrosion is identified, then verify that:
      1. The corrosion is evaluated and remediated, as necessary, for all pipeline segments (both covered and noncovered) with similar material coating and environmental characteristics. [§192.917(e)(5)]
      2. A schedule is established for evaluating and remediating, as necessary, the similar segments consistent with the operator's established operating and maintenance procedures under Part 192 for testing and repair. [§192.917(e)(5)]

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