PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:28 PM

Protocol Item E.01

E.01 Program Requirements for Discovery, Evaluation and Remediation Scheduling

Verify that provisions exist to discover and evaluate all anomalous conditions resulting from integrity assessment and remediate those which could reduce a pipeline's integrity. [§192.933(a)]

  1. Verify a definition of discovery is provided. [§192.933(b)]

  1. Verify a requirement exists to document the actual date of discovery. [§192.933(b)]

  1. Verify a requirement exists to develop a schedule that prioritizes evaluation and remediation of anomalous conditions. [§192.933(c)]

  1. If the operator desires to deviate from the timelines for remediation as provided in §192.933 by demonstrating exceptional performance, verify that the requirements of §192.913(b) have been met and the safety of the covered segment is not jeopardized. [§192.913(c)(2)](See Protocol F.05)

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