PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:32 PM

Protocol Item F.06

F.06 Waiver from Reassessment Interval

Verify that the operator's program requires that it apply for a waiver, should it become necessary, from the required reassessment interval. The waiver request must demonstrate that the waiver is justified as specified in the rule. Such a waiver request may only be made in the following limited situations: [§192.943]

  1. Lack of internal inspection tools. [§192.943(a)(1)]

  1. Cannot maintain local product supply. [§192.943(a)(2)]

  1. Application must be made at least 180 days before the end of the required reassessment interval. (Exception: If local product supply issues make the 180 day submittal impractical, an operator must apply for the waiver as soon as the need for waiver becomes known). [§192.943(b)]

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