PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:36 PM

Protocol Item F.02

F.02 Reassessment Methods

Verify that the approach for establishing the reassessment method is consistent with the requirements in §192.937(c). [§192.937(c) and §192.941]

  1. Verify that one or more of the following assessment methods (depending on the applicable threats) are specified:
    1. An internal inspection tool(s) capable of detecting corrosion and any other threats that the operator intends to address using this tool(s). The process must follow ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 6.2, in selecting the appropriate inspection tool. [§192.937(c)(1)]
    2. A pressure test conducted in accordance with Subpart J. An operator must use the test pressures specified in ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5, Table 3, to justify an extended reassessment interval in accordance with §192.939. Pressure test is appropriate for threats as defined in ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 6.3. [§192.937(c)(2)]
    3. Direct assessment – refer to Protocol D. [§192.937(c)(3)]
    4. Other technology that an operator demonstrates can provide an equivalent understanding of the condition of the pipe. If other technology is the method selected, the process should require that the operator notify OPS at least 180 days before conducting the assessment, in accordance with §192.949. Also, verify that notification to a State or local pipeline safety authority is required when either a covered segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate covered segment is regulated by that State. [§192.937(c)(4)]
    5. Confirmatory direct assessment when used on a covered segment that is scheduled for a reassessment period longer than seven years. Refer to Protocol G. [§192.937(c)(5)]
    6. If the operator is using "low stress reassessment" method, evaluate the process using Protocol F.03.
  1. Review the methods selected for reassessments and verify that they are appropriate for the identified threats.

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