PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:36 PM

Protocol Item B.03

B.03 Use of Prior Assessments

If prior assessments are used in the BAP, verify that the assessment methods used meet the requirements of §192.921(a) and that remedial actions have been carried out to address conditions listed in §192.933. Prior assessments are those that were completed prior to December 17, 2002. [§192.921(e)]

  1. Verify that threats to these pipeline sections were identified as required under §192.919(a).

  1. Verify that the methods used for these prior assessments were appropriate for the threats per ANSI B31.8S-2001 as required under §192.919(b) and §192.919(d).

  1. Verify that anomalies satisfying the requirements of §192.933 were repaired.

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