"Bureau of Justice Statistics",,, "filename: cpracept.csv",,, "Percent of U.S. population in racial group under correctional supervision",,, "data source: Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Surveys ",,, "author: Tracy Snell",,, "refer questions to: askbjs@ojp.usdoj.gov (202) 307-0765",,, "date of version: 1/10/2002",,, ,,, ,,, ,"Percent of U.S. population in racial group ",, ,"under correctional supervision",, ,"White","Black","Other" 1986,1.4%,5.7%,0.6% 1987,1.4%,6.2%,0.6% 1988,1.5%,6.6%,0.7% 1989,1.6%,7.3%,0.7% 1990,1.7%,7.6%,0.7% 1991,1.7%,8.0%,0.7% 1992,1.8%,8.5%,0.7% 1993,1.8%,9.0%,0.8% 1994,1.9%,8.9%,0.8% 1995,2.0%,8.8%,1.1% 1996,2.0%,8.9%,1.2% 1997,2.0%,9.0%,1.3% ,,, "Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Surveys ",,, " (The National Probation Data Survey, National Prisoner Statistics, ",,, " Survey of Jails, and The National Parole Data Survey) as presented ",,, " in Correctional Populations in the United States, 1997. ",,,