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Recovery Month Kit

Radio Public Service Announcements



Alcohol and drug addiction affect not only those with the problem, but also the people around them. When you get help…who knows who else you’ll help along the way? This September marks the fifteenth annual observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. You can help celebrate by joining the voices for recovery…now! For drug and alcohol information and treatment referral for you or someone you know, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P.


When you get treatment for alcohol and drug addiction . . .who knows who you’ll help along the way? This September, celebrate National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month by joining the voices for recovery…now! For drug and alcohol information, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P.


Drug and alcohol addiction are equal opportunity diseases. People in recovery from these diseases come from all walks of life … and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect for fighting and winning one of the hardest battles there is.

This September, celebrate the fifteenth annual observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month by joining the voices for recovery…now! For drug and alcohol information and treatment referral for you or someone you know, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P.


People in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. This September, celebrate National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month by joining the voices for recovery… now! For drug and alcohol information, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P.


People who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction are all in the same boat. But with treatment, they can make it to solid ground. No matter how old or how young, anyone can benefit from treatment. And through treatment comes recovery.

This September, celebrate the fifteenth annual observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month by joining the voices for recovery…now! For drug and alcohol information and treatment referral for you or someone you know, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P.


People with alcohol and drug addiction are all in the same boat. But with treatment, anyone can reach solid ground. This September, celebrate National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month by joining the voices for recovery …now! For drug and alcohol information, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P.

Promoting Recovery Month with These Public Service Announcements

Radio is a valuable medium for promoting the fact that September 2004 marks the 15th annual observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month). Radio public service announcements (PSAs) give listeners basic information about the campaign and provide a toll-free number so they can take the first step to find out more about treatment services, as encouraged through this year’s theme—“Join the Voices for Recovery… Now!”

Three 30-second and three 15-second radio PSA scripts are included in this planning toolkit for your use. The scripts include the HHS/SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment’s toll-free national helpline, 1-800-662-HELP, as a resource. If your state, county, or community has its own toll-free hotline number, we encourage you to use it in place of the national number. If you do use a local hotline, please inform those operating the hotline that you will be using their number in the scripts, so that they can prepare for a potential increase in calls.

To distribute these scripts, call local radio stations to find out the name and address of the public affairs director at each station. If there is no one with that exact title, ask for the name and title of the person in charge of PSAs. Explain to this person that you are working as part of the national effort to promote National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month and to secure the support of radio stations in promoting treatment and informing listeners in your area where they can go for help.

Once you have spoken with the public affairs director or other contact, you should either fax or mail copies of the PSA scripts for their consideration. When you retype the scripts to send them out, do not forget to list your contact name, organization, and phone number. Make sure to include a cover letter summarizing the main points you discussed, and convey your appreciation for the airtime these important messages will receive.

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