USAID: From the American People | ASIA

RDMA Launches Website

On Fifth Anniversary

Monday, June 30, 2008

USAID's Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) celebrated its fifth anniversary today with the launch of this website. The site will provide breaking news and updates on RDMA's programs throughout Asia.

"This site will help us tell our story; how we’re providing assistance from the American people to the people of Asia," said Olivier Carduner, RDMA’s Mission Director in Bangkok.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) works around the world to improve the lives of people in the developing world. RDMA oversees regional and bilateral projects in such areas as health, environment, economic growth, democratic reform and vulnerable populations. Its regional approach provides a cost-effective way to manage service and development programs.

This website introduces RDMA's projects and provides links to its implementing partners who carry out USAID's work in cities and nations far from RDMA’s headquarters in Bangkok.

You can click individual countries to see what projects are being conducted within their borders or onto projects to learn more about them and where they're operating.

In the months ahead, this site will carry RDMA's Success Stories, such as the ongoing launch of its Asia-wide MTV EXIT (End Exploitation and Trafficking) campaign to fight human trafficking, its establishment of the first regional avian influenza warehouse to airlift supplies to outbreaks within 24 hours, and its achievements helping China battle HIV/AIDS among its most-at-risk populations.

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This page last updated on June 27, 2008