Voices for Recovery
Todd Crandell's Story

Todd Crandell is widely recognized as a leading expert on substance abuse. He has overcome a thirteen-year addiction to drug and alcohol, turning his life and health around. Since becoming sober on April 15, 1993, Todd has founded an organization that targets adolescents fighting drugs and alcohol. He also devotes his energies to athletic competition, regularly completing triathlons, including global Ironman Triathlons (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, 26.2 mile marathon run) to bring awareness to his organization. Todd is the Founder and Executive Director of Racing for Recovery (www.racingforrecovery), an organization dedicated to preventing all forms of substance and providing positive alternatives to those currently battling addiction by encouraging a lifestyle of fitness and health through 5k run/walk events across the nation. Todd has been featured on the nationally syndicated Mitch Albom Radio Show, Iyanala Talk Show, Larry Elder Show, Rudy Rutigers International Talk Show, FOX, ABC, CBS, and NBC News, Runners World and Triathlete Magazines, and a host of radio, newspaper and magazine interviews across the United States and throughout the world. Todd is also a film star with a documentary ADDICT: Racing for Recovery, The Todd Crandell Story now available on DVD. His book Addict to Ironman is scheduled for release in the Spring, 2005. In this moving presentation, Todd Crandell tells the riveting story of his fall and rise, and his struggle for sobriety from birth to present day. He covers his upbringing in a middle class environment, the suicides of his mother and uncle, his descent into the abyss of drug and alcohol addiction, contemplation of his own suicide, and finally his climb to independence by finding a lifestyle of fitness and health. Some written comments offered by people who have seen this presentation: In my heart of hearts you helped to save the life of my baby girl and I am ever so grateful.- You truly changed my life.- Words cannot explain how moving and inspiring your story was. For further information on scheduling a speaking engagement or holding a public screening of ADDICT, you may contact Racing for Recovery at 419-824-8462 or 1-866-SOBER-01 or you may email Todd Crandell at Racing4Recovery@aol.com.
Sylvania , Ohio

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