Voices for Recovery
Dick B.'s Story

I was a late bloomer to recovery. In the early years, I was a top student in high school, college, and law school. And I practiced law with great success in San Francisco and Marin County, California for many years. Then, the joy of a martini and sleeping pills overtook the joy of living. Alcohol became my solution for family issues, for depression, for loneliness, and for boredom. On April 21, 1986, after a week's blackout, I surrendered. Marched into the rooms of A.A. Spent a month in treatment. Resigned from the State Bar. Went to the VA psych ward for two months. Spent 33 days in State prison. But all the while, I kept two objectives foremost, believing there was light at the end of the tunnel. I became deeply involved in Alcoholics Anonymous and much reliant on the help of my Creator. In the ensuing 18 years, I have found a new life of service, have traveled all over the United States on research and interviews, and have now published 23 titles, over 60 articles, and a website that tell the almost forgotten story of early A.A.'s Biblical roots and astonishing successes. I've never had a drink since my first decision to quit in 1986. Anyone can quit with determination, God's help, and a support fellowship like AA.
Kihei, Hawaii

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