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USAID Announces Iraq Port Transfer to Civilian Administration


(202) 712-4320


May 23, 2003

Contact: USAID Press Office

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today announced the Iraqi seaport of Umm Qasr is under civilian administration. The seaport, which is the main entryway for cargo, including humanitarian coming into the country, is now officially operated by USAID contractor, Stevedoring Services of America (SSA). The Seattle, Washington based company assumed control of the port from the British 17th Regiment in a small ceremony marking the occasion as the M/V Irazou docked at the port, carrying 14,600 metric tons of bagged rice for the people of Iraq. This is the first reconstruction project in Iraq to be transferred from military to civilian administration.

SSA said that over 3,520 local workers will be phased into the port operations in the days ahead as managers, heavy equipment operators, maintenance workers and other aspects of port management and operation. Lewis Lucke, USAID Mission Director, said. "It is our goal to get as many Iraqis back to work as soon as possible. We are buying Iraqi products and using Iraqi services in order to operate the port." The newly elected Director General of the Iraqi Ports Authority is working closely with SSA to prioritize needs for staff training and port revitalization. Immediate repairs and improvements are being carried out, which will facilitate the shipping of humanitarian cargo but longer term rehabilitation is needed for the port to operate on a commercial basis.

Under a separate USAID contract, Bechtel Corporation is rebuilding the port administration buildings, installing lighting, restoring utilities, repairing security fences and grain elevators and dredging the port so that larger, bulk grain vessels can offload near the grain elevators. Bechtel has conducted an exploration of the port's channel and have identified 10 vessels or objects that will be salvaged. Bechtel is also reviewing the adjoining railroad system for repair, a priority due to the large amount of cargo projected to move through the port in the coming months.

The seaport administration and management contract is one of eight initial procurement actions issued by USAID as part of its overall relief and reconstruction efforts in Iraq. For more information on USAID's humanitarian relief and reconstruction efforts in Iraq, as well as the actual airport management and administration request for proposal, please visit www.usaid.gov/iraq/.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.
