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Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Comprehensive Review Study (Restudy) of the Central and Southern Florida Project

photo of U.S. Army Deputy Assistant Secretary Davis with Corps of Engineers officials
(U.S. Army Deputy Assistant Secretary Davis with Corps of Engineers officials.)
The Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) Project, first authorized by Congress in 1948, is a multi-purpose water resources project. The authorized purposes of the project include: flood control, regional water supply for agricultural and urban areas, prevention of salt water intrusion,
See "Understanding the Restudy below!
water supply to Everglades National Park, preservation of fish and wildlife, recreation, and navigation. In short, this project makes it possible for over five million people to now live and work in the 18,000 square mile area which extends from south of Orlando to Florida Bay. For almost more than fifty years, the C&SF Project has performed its authorized functions well. However, the project has also had unintended adverse effects on the unique natural environment which constitutes the Everglades and Florida Bay ecosystems.

photo of the everglades
(Image courtesy of South Florida Water Management District.)
In 1992 Congress authorized a Comprehensive Review Study (Restudy) of the C&SF Project. The purpose of the Restudy is to develop modifications to the Central and Southern Florida Project to restore the Everglades and Florida Bay ecosystems while providing for the other water-related needs of the region. The Restudy is currently in the feasibility phase of the study which is jointly funded by the Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District. The Study is being accomplished by an interdisciplinary, multi-agency team from a number of Federal, State, Tribal, and local government agencies. The Restudy has resulted in a Comprehensive Plan that was submitted to Congress on July 1, 1999.

Understanding The Restudy

cover image of restudy document

This 28 page brochure helps bring
The Restudy into focus.

Select the sections from the Contents at the right, or download the entire brochure and print it. Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this PDF document. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader ® for free.

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"The Everglades are an American treasure, and saving them must be a national priority. In close partnership with the state of Florida, we already are hard at work restoring this extraordinary landscape. Now we must take the critical next step. By capturing precious freshwater that now flows to the sea, our Comprehensive Plan ensures both a strong, sustainable economy, and a healthy Everglades for generations to come."

Vice President Al Gore
              June 18,1999


table of contents

south florida ecosystem at a crossroad the plan provides the cornerstone for the entire restoration effort implementation of the plan guided by a set of principles implementation of the plan recognizes ecosystem restoration as the overarching objective implementation cost is investment in the nations future plan provides for ecosystem restoration and supports a substainable future map of comprehensive plan getting the water right ecosystem problems center on water the everglades of yesteryear were defined by water america's everglades are in serious peril

Related Reading

  • Central and Southern Florida Project Comprehensive Review Study (Restudy) website

  • South Florida Water Resource Projects - A presentation to the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

  • What is the Restudy?
      A C&SF Restudy Report (note: this document is a PDF. You will need Adobe Reader to view this document. You can download it for free.)

  • President Signs Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (Document is no longer available on the whitehouse website)
      "Today I have signed into law S. 507, the "Water Resources Development Act of 1999," a multibillion dollar omnibus bill to authorize water projects and programs of the United States Army Corps of Engineers. On July 1, 1999, my Administration transmitted to the Congress its comprehensive long-term plan to restore the Florida Everglades, which is one of our national treasures. I am pleased that S. 507 continues the authority for related Federal water resources projects in South Florida and look forward to working with the Congress over the next year to authorize the first steps in this important restoration effort."

      (Excerpts from Statement by the President, August 17, 1999)

  • Vice President Gore to Unveil Comprehensive Plan to Restore Florida Everglades - (posted June 30, 1999)
      "$7.8 Billion Blueprint Would Increase Freshwater Flows to Environment, Cities, Farms..."

  • Restoring the Everglades: A Success in the Making
      "The Comprehensive Plan for rebuilding freshwater supplies in South Florida is the centerpiece of the Clinton-Gore Administration's strategy for restoring the Everglades..."

  • The Florida Everglades: Restoring One of America's Great Natural Treasures
      "The Clinton-Gore Administration, in partnership with the State of Florida, is proposing a bold plan to restore an extraordinary but endangered natural treasure - the Florida Everglades."

  • Success in the Making - An Integrated Plan For South Florida Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainability
      Prepared by the Working Group of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force (note: this site is hosted on

  • Maintaining the Momentum
      South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force Biennial Report to the U.S. Congress, Florida Legislature, Seminole Tribe of Florida, and Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida (note: this site is hosted on

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:42 PM (HSH)