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Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring:
The Downstream Component of the South Florida Restoration Effort

Monitoring the coral reef ecosystem before and after water management changes are made is an essential aspect of determining the success of South Florida restoration.

The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary contains the nation's largest network of no-take zones that are important in distinguishing between natural and human disturbances.

Importance of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
  • biodiversity ~ over 6000 species
  • economic value
    • tourism ~ over $1.2 billion yearly
    • fisheries ~ over $57 million yearly

map of southern Florida
(click on image above for larger version.)

  • pollution
  • overfishing
  • water quality
  • direct impacts
  • physical damage
  • global environment

These factors contribute to overall coral health.

Coral condition is a good indicator of ecosystem health.

National Marine Sanctuaries

Next Next: Zone Monitoring Program

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:42 PM (HSH)