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Your Payments When You Are Outside The United States - Country List 2



If you are a citizen of one of the countries listed below, you may receive your payments as long as you are outside the U.S., unless you are receiving your payments as a dependent or survivor. In that case, there are additional requirements you have to meet.

Albania Ecuador Monaco
Antigua and El Salvador Nicaragua
  Barbuda Gabon Palau
Argentina Grenada Panama
Bahamas Guatemala Peru
Barbados Guyana Philippines
Belize Hungary Poland
Bolivia Iceland St. Kitts and Nevis
Bosnia-Herzegovina Jamaica St. Lucia
Brazil Jordan Samoa (formerly
Burkina Faso  Latvia   Western Samoa)
Colombia Liechtenstein San Marino
Costa Rica Lithuania Serbia & Montenegro
Cote d'Ivoire Macedonia Slovakia
Croatia Malta Slovenia
Cyprus Marshall Islands Trinidad-Tobago
Czech Republic   Mexico Turkey
Dominica Micronesia, Fed. Uruguay
Dominican Republic   States of Venezuela Portal to U.S. government agencies Privacy Policy | Website Policies & Other Important Information | Site Map
Last reviewed or modified Monday Oct 27, 2008
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