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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter VI  

Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor



Part 702  

Administration and Procedure




Subpart B  

Claims Procedures

20 CFR 702.222 - Claims; exceptions to time limitations.

  • Section Number: 702.222
  • Section Name: Claims; exceptions to time limitations.

    (a) Where a person entitled to compensation under the Act is 
mentally incompetent or a minor, the time limitation provision of 
Sec. 702.221 shall not apply to a mentally incompetent person so long as 
such person has no guardian or other authorized representative, but 
Sec. 702.221 shall be applicable from the date of appointment of such 
guardian or other representative. In the case of minor who has no 
guardian before he or she becomes of age, time begins to run from the 
date he or she becomes of age.
    (b) Where a person brings a suit at law or in admiralty to recover 
damages in respect of an injury or death, or files a claim under a State 
workers' compensation act because such person is excluded from this 
Act's coverage by reason of section 2(3) or 3(d) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 
902(3) or 903(d)), and recovery is denied because the person was an 
employee and defendant was an employer within the meaning of the Act, 
and such employer had secured compensation to such employee under the 
Act, the time limitation in Sec. 702.221 shall not begin to run until 
the date of termination of such suit or proceeding.
    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph (a) of this section, 
where the claim is one based on disability or death due to an 
occupational disease which does not immediately result in death or 
disability, it must be filed within two years after the employee or 
claimant becomes aware, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence or by 
reason of medical advice, should have been aware of the relationship 
between the employment, the disease and the death or disability, or 
within one year of the date of last payment of compensation, whichever 
is later. For purposes of occupational disease, therefore, the time 
limitation for filing a claim does not begin to run until the employee 
is disabled, or in the case of a retired employee, where a permanent 
impairment exists.
    (d) The time limitations set forth above do not apply to claims 
filed under section 49 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 949.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

[50 FR 398, Jan. 3, 1985]
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