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Staff & Center News

U.S. Geological Survey Participates in Celebration of Viking Expedition to North America

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Rich Signell and Captain Gunnar Marel
Rich Signell (right) with Captain Gunnar Marel of the Viking ship Icelander.
Rich Signell (WHFC) attended a reception at the Waquoit Bay Environmental Research Center on September 10th for the members of the Viking 2000 expedition, a team of Icelanders who this summer recreated Leif Erikson's passage to North America 1000 years ago. They sailed/rowed on the Icelander, a 75-ft replica of the ships used on the original journey.

Rich presented some 3-D visualizations of the shoal complexes south of Cape Cod. Some historians believe that Cape Cod was the "vineland" referred to in the Icelandic Sagas, and descriptions of the shoals and surroundings factor prominantly in this interpretation. Cape Cod could have been the first place the Vikings actually visited in North America!

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in this issue: Fieldwork Florida Bay Red Grouper

Divers at Turners Falls

Long Island Sound

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Boston Harbor Clean-Up

Sea Floor Mapping DVD-ROM

Outreach Santa Cruz Shark Festival

Meetings Natural Systems Restoration

Mapping Tools for Fisheries

Alaska Geologic Mapping

Coral Reef Task Force

Gulf of Mexico Sediments

Staff & Center News Viking Celebration

Iceland Lecture



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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)