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U.S. Geological Survey at Annual Shark Festival and Sanctuary Celebration in Santa Cruz

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The USGS booth at the Santa Cruz Shark Festival
USGS at Santa Cruz: Beautiful weather helped attract visitors to the Santa Cruz Wharf on September 16th to attend the "Shark Festival and Sanctuary Celebration" in honor of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary's 8th birthday.
Once again, the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program's Western Region crew put together a popular booth for the annual Shark Festival and Sanctuary Celebration in Santa Cruz, CA. Held on the Santa Cruz Wharf on September 16th, this year's festival celebrated the 8th birthday of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

About 300 people came through the USGS booth, where we distributed lots of handouts, stamped lots of children's Treasure Hunt maps, and guided lots of folks through our hands-on displays.

The booth was planned and coordinated by Carolyn Degnan and Helen Gibbons. Mary McGann and Rendy Keaten prepared a display on benthic foraminifera that was extremely popular (when people spot a microscope, they just have to look and see what's there!). Carol Reiss, Bruce Rogers, Helen Gibbons, and Maria Adams spruced up our "Sands of the World and the California Coast" display (sand is another perennial favorite). Coloring sheets rounded out the activities designed to please visitors of all ages. Posters by Florence Wong, Steve Eittreim, John Dingler, and Kevin Evans graced the walls of the booth.

The booth was staffed in shifts throughout the day by Carolyn Degnan and her son Nick, Helen Gibbons, Jane Reid, Dan and Page Mosier and their daughter Jenny, Bill and Maria Adams, Susie Cochran, Kevin Evans, Randy Bucciarelli, Mary McGann, Nam Nguyen, and Bruce Richmond. At the Menlo Park end, Clint Steele, Dan Mosier, and Herschel Lelaind helped load and unload materials from a van driven by Jane Reid and Carolyn Degnan. Other team members contributed handouts for the event. Many hands made light work, and a good time was had by all.

Related Web Sites
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Western Region Coastal & Marine Geology
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)