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Alaska Geologic Mapping—A Role for Coastal Data

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Allison Till of the Mineral Resources Program held a one-day workshop with the Alaska Division of Geology and Geophysical Surveys (ADGGS) on September 6th. USGS representatives came from the following disciplines: Mineral Resources, Earthquakes, Landslides, Coastal and Marine (Peter Barnes), Earth Surface Processes, and Geophysics. Alaska state participants included specialists in resources, engineering geology, and geophysics. The agenda was to:

  1. develop a better understanding of the status of geologic-framework information in the state,
  2. discuss geologic mapping opportunities,
  3. discuss the practical challenges of developing a larger USGS geologic-mapping activity in Alaska, and
  4. develop a short list of issues and opportunities to evaluate further.

Of potential interest to the Coastal and Marine Geology Program is the ongoing Mineral Resources Program's effort to assemble a national geologic-map database (likely at a scale of 1:500,000 in Alaska) that can be used for mineral assessment. There is awareness in Alaska that offshore information should be incorporated into this database where available. Three topics related to mapping in Alaska were identified by the group as worthy of additional discussion because of their geological and political importance. One-page issues papers are being prepared on these topics:

  • Terrestrial- and coastal-transportation corridors, including those for natural-gas development and delivery;
  • Climate change and long-term monitoring of factors related to climate change;
  • Fisheries resources and related ecosystems of rivers, coasts, and offshore environments.

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)