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Central America Regional: USAID Program Profile

FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Total Program Funds

The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) seeks to promote economic growth and prosperity by helping the Governments of Central America and Mexico to (1) build an open economy, free trade and stronger, more competitive businesses, (2) protect, improve and conserve the environment, including natural resources, (3) strengthen local health system capacities to deal with AIDS HIV through proven behavioral change interventions with high-prevalence groups, and (4) build local and regional capacity for early warning and food and non-food emergency responses.

Economic Freedom: The ratification of CAFTA-DR in 2005, a major milestone for Central America, improves their economic growth prospects in the coming years; USAID’s Regional Trade Program will provide critical support toward this end. Three USAID programs are facilitating the reforms necessary to fully benefit from CAFTA-DR: (1) trade and labor market policies and regional integration in partnership with the Central American Secretariat for Economic Integration (SIECA); (2) meeting the commitments stated in CAFTA-DR related to customs administration, trade facilitation, and rules of origin; and (3) other trade capacity building.

Investing in People: USAID’s regional program to contain HIV/AIDS and other Infectious diseases supports the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Agency’s goal of protecting human health, and the UN Millennium Development Goal to “Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.” Working closely with a variety of partners including the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS (UNAIDS); the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF), and other bilateral agencies and regional groups, the program includes participation of affected groups in decision-making and strategic planning and strengthens local capacity of non-governmental organizations, and ministries of health in more effective interventions.

Timely Humanitarian Assistance and Crisis Response: USAID assistance will support preparedness and mitigation initiatives which directly contribute to reduced loss of life and natural resources from economic and natural disasters. Regional support for timely, effective humanitarian assistance and crisis response will specifically focus on disaster/crisis prevention and preparedness by supporting the Mesoamerican Food Security Early Warning System (MFEWS).

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Mon, 01 May 2006 08:22:21 -0500