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LAC Trade Updates

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USAID LAC Trade Update - April 2005

A. Updates

1. Trade Workshop

A major International Trade & Rural Economic Development workshop was held earlier this year in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Over 200 representatives from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic attended.

The conference focus was to determine how to ensure that rural farmers and entrepreneurs are positioned to take advantage of new opportunities anticipated around the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). A key presentation by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank stressed the need to transition the rural sector toward rural competitiveness as a way to reduce poverty.

The conference was sponsored by USAID, the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.

A link to national action plans discussed at the session.

2. Trade Representative Nominated -- Congressman Robert Portman (R-2) of Ohio was nominated to be U.S. Trade Representative. He replaces Robert Zoellick, who has been nominated for Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department.

3. UN Report on Investment -- A new United Nations reports that foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) increased 44 percent to $56.4 billion last year. This is the first year since 1999 that foreign capital rose in the region. In South America, foreign direct investment rose 48 percent to $22.3 billion, according to the report. Investments in Mexico and the Caribbean basin increased 43 percent to $22.3 percent.

Brazil led the region with the most foreign direct investment last year, followed by Chile, according to the report. Also noted was: a) Argentina foreign investment rose between 2002-2003, though investment is at its lowest level in the past 15 years; b) Trinidad and Tobago, El Salvador and Colombia saw foreign investments rise; and c) Panama and Venezuela saw foreign investment fall.

For more information.

4. UN Report on Agriculture -- A United Nations report on Sustainable Agriculture in the Caribbean noted the liberalization of the trading regimes for primary agriculture, especially bananas, by the European. The report said that policy and institutional support for small-scale farmers are needed to best manage the opportunity.

The study is available from CEPAL.

B. Resources

1. Inter-Government Trade Dispute Settlement: Multilateral and Regional Approaches -- By Julio Lacarte and Jaime Granados, this book provides a comprehensive view of trade dispute settlement mechanisms and issues that underlie these interactions. Lacarte was chair of the World Trade Association’s appellate body, and Granados is a free trade expert at the Inter-American Development Bank

2. World Bank’s Investment Climate Survey Data Base -- This data base is a vast repository of survey data for 51 countries based on in-country survey of more than 27,000 firms. It can be compared with World Bank’s annually published “Doing Business.”

C. Upcoming dates

April 18-22 – 8th Round of US- Andean FTA Negotiations in Lima, Peru

April 27-3026th Hemispheric Congress on Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Miami, FL.

May 19 -- Central America in the World Economy – International Development Research Centre and the Asociacion de Investigacion y Estudios Sociales will present three CAFTA studies in Miami, FL.

June 27-29USAID Workshop on Tax and Pension Reform in Washington, DC.

November 4-5IV Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata, Argentina.

December 1-28th Americas Food & Beverage Show & Conference in Miami Beach, FL.


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Thu, 28 Apr 2005 12:37:58 -0500