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LAC Trade Updates

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USAID LAC Trade Update - March 2005

1. TNC Committee met recently
The co-chairs of the Free Trade Area of the Americas Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) – United States and Brazil – met on February 22-23 in Washington, D.C.

The main issue at the meeting was development of a framework of rights and obligations governing the negotiations.

The group is expected to meet on March 29-30 to continue consultations.

2. New Rural Development Initiative Launched
The World Bank and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture launched last month the “Ed Rural Alliance” to generate local skills and increase competitiveness in the Latin America and Caribbean region.

3. Annual Trade Report to Congress
The Bush Administration submitted its 2005 Trade Policy Agenda and the 2004 Annual Report of the President on the Trade Agreements Program to Congress on March 1st.

The submission reports that the U.S. now has completed negotiations with 12 countries and is in negotiations with an additional 12. It reports that collectively this block of 24 countries represented an export market of $78 million in U.S. exports last year – the country’s third largest market and the world’s sixth largest economy.

“In 2005, the United States is seeking to expand on this record … with an active and comprehensive trade liberalizing agenda… to focus on monitoring and enforcing existing U.S. trade agreements and trade laws, building the capacity of developing countries to participate in the global economy and making the case for free trade to the American public,” former U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick wrote.

4. Agricultural “Raise Plus” contract awarded
USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade has awarded a five-year and Indefinite Quantity Contract to promote market-driven, environmentally sound agricultural development though technical services and support to the field operation. The “Raise Plus” contract was awarded to Weidemann Associates consortium. Information.

B. Resources

CAFTA-Dominican Republic Briefing Book
The U.S. Trade Representative’s office recently released the Central America Fair Trade Agreement (CAFTA) briefing book on the Dominican Republic. Included in the book are the following issues:

  • State-by-state export overview,
  • Leveling the playing field for U.S. Workers and Farmers,
  • Strengthening protections for labor rights, and
  • Environmental advancements.

Global Agricultural Trade and the Developing Countries – Edited by M. Ataman Aksoy and John C. Beghin report on how agricultural protection continues to be one of the most contentious issues in global trade negotiations.

The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2004 – The U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization reports prices for agricultural items have fallen by two percent per year over the last four decades. This means less expensive food for the indigent but also a loss of income and unemployment for many of the rural poor in agriculture-based countries. The report is available in several languages below:

C. Upcoming dates

March 22-23Latin American Leadership Forum in Washington, DC.

March 30-April 4National Multi-cultural Business Conference in Mashantucket, CT.

April 11-13Symposium of the Americas in Miami, FLA. Contact: Dolores Quintero at 305-225-2123

April 18-22 – Eighth round of U.S. – Andean FTA negotiations in Peru

June 5-7 – Annual Meeting of the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development in Washington, DC.

November (first week) -- IV – Summit of the Americas, Mar del Plata, Argentina


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Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:29:40 -0500