"Bureau of Justice Statistics",,, "filename: cprace.csv",,, "Number of persons under correctional supervision by race, 1986-97",,, "data source: Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Surveys ",,, "author: Tracy Snell",,, "refer questions to: askbjs@ojp.usdoj.gov (202) 307-0765",,, "date of version: 1/10/2002",,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,"Number of persons under correctional supervision by race",, ,"White","Black","Other" 1986,2090100,1117200,32100 1987,2192200,1231100,36300 1988,2348600,1325700,39800 1989,2521200,1489000,45400 1990,2665500,1632700,49800 1991,2742400,1743300,49900 1992,2835900,1873200,53500 1993,2872200,2011600,60200 1994,3058000,2018000,65300 1995,3220900,2024000,90200 1996,3294800,2083600,104500 1997,3429000,2149900,113600 ,,, "Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Surveys ",,, " (The National Probation Data Survey, National Prisoner Statistics, ",,, " Survey of Jails, and The National Parole Data Survey) as presented ",,, " in Correctional Populations in the United States, 1997. ",,,