Volunteers for Prosperity
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Cross-Cultural Solutions
2 Clinton Place
New Rochelle, NY 10538

Phone: 914-632-0022
Fax: 914-632-8494
Email: info@crossculturalsolutions.org
Web Address: http://www.crossculturalsolutions.org



Cross-Cultural Solutions is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1995. CCS has been operating international volunteer programs for over 10 years, with over 3,000 volunteers participating each year. CCS has a worldwide staff of over 250 people, and operates in 12 countries, with administrative offices also located in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. CCS have been profiled in more than 500 news outlets. Steven Rosenthal founded Cross-Cultural Solutions in 1995 and serves as its Executive Director.

Cross-Cultural Solutions is a recognized leader in the field of international volunteering. We are committed to ensuring the safety, flexibility, professionalism, transparency, and excellence of our programs. CCS is recognized as an expert in its field by the United Nations, CARE, one of the world's largest humanitarian organizations, and the Brookings Institution

Our Vision is of a world where people value cultures different from their own, are aware of global issues, and are empowered to effect positive change. Our Mission is to operate volunteer programs around the world in partnership with sustainable community initiatives, bringing people together to work side-by-side while sharing perspectives and fostering cultural understanding. We are an international not-for-profit organization with no political or religious affiliations.

About Cross-Cultural Solutions

As an international volunteer with Cross-Cultural Solutions, you're making a meaningful contribution, working side-by-side with local people and sharing in the goals of a community that warmly welcomes you. You're experiencing another culture like never before and really getting to know its people.

You'll enjoy the flexibility of choosing from 12 countries, start dates year-round and programs from 1-12 weeks long.

CCS offers international volunteer programs in Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Morocco, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Thailand. Wherever you choose, our in-country staff welcomes you to the CCS Home-Base, your home away from home.

International Voluntary Service Activities

Cross-cultural Solutions volunteer work is through local NGO partners with extensive experience in and proven track records in supporting:

Infants & Children

  • Taking care of children in daycare centers and orphanages
  • Educational activities for children (teaching educational games, songs, arts & crafts, rhymes, sports)


  • Teaching conversational English
  • Educational activities for teenagers (teacher's aid with subjects, music, sports, drama)


  • Custom Placements/Work with Women's Group
  • Elderly Caring for and developing activities for the elderly

All Age Groups

  • Observing and assisting with a local health practice
  • Taking care of people with mental and physical disabilities
  • Taking care of people living with HIV/AIDS Infants and Children
  • Taking Care of children in daycare centers and orphanages

Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities Over 3000 a year


Geographic Regions Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Russia


Health & Prosperity Sectors Health, Capacity Building, Education, HIV/AIDS, Women & Youth.


Types of Opportunities Health, Education, Social Services


Average Duration of Projects 21 Days


Volunteer Profile Summary

Volunteering overseas is a life-changing experience. You are sharing your enthusiasm, time, skills, and energy — and giving "yourself" in a way that allows you to effect positive change. Making a difference can be as simple as spending time with orphans, sharing love and affection, sharing stories and photos with the elderly in a community, or practicing basic English with students of all ages. Anyone with an interest in filling those needs can make a difference.

Although we warmly welcome volunteers who feel that they don't have any specialized skills, custom placements are available with a variety of partner programs in-country. If you have a particular skill that you would like to share, we try to match it closely with a need in the community. Small business management is a good example.

We would like to stress that the life-changing experience does not end when you return home. Another important part of international volunteering is getting involved in your own community. For some, this will mean remaining aware of, or active in, global issues; for others it may mean educating friends and family about the realities of the country where they were a volunteer. For everyone, returning home is an opportunity to share the enthusiasm and inspiration of your experience and be a voice for greater social awareness and involvement. By sharing your international volunteer experience with those in your home community and finding ways to incorporate what you learned into your daily life, you play an important role in fostering cultural understanding between people.

Please describe plans or current activities for utilizing American professionals in volunteer relief efforts in the areas affected by the tsunami: We currently have volunteer programs in three of the countries affected by the tsunami: Thailand, India, and Tanzania. Our programs help these countries and societies as a whole, but are not classified as relief efforts in the tsunami zone.


USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID