Volunteers for Prosperity
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International Executive Service Corps
1900 M Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036

Phone: 202-326-0280
Fax: 202-326-0289
Email: iesc@iesc.org
Web Address: http://www.iesc.org


About International Executive Service Corps

The International Executive Service Corps (IESC) is one of the world's largest, non-profit economic development organizations. More than 11,000 experts in all industry sectors. Active in more than 55 countries. Since 1964, IESC has completed more than 24,000 expert consultancies in more than 120 countries. Today, capitalizing on a wide array of services, resources and strategic partnerships, IESC implements complex economic development assistance programs around the world to assist the growth of free enterprise and demoncracy. IESC assistance results in:

  • Profits, productivity, competitiveness all increased
  • Jobs created, living standards improved
  • Greater skills capacity
  • Staff development and training enhanced
  • Product quality improved

IESC Milestones

  • Since 1964 Approximately 24,000 consultancies.
  • More than one million volunteer workdays contributed.
  • Over $800 million in donated services.
  • More than 120 countries assisted.
  • More than one million jobs created and/or saved.
  • Well over $1 billion in increased client exports.
  • Facilitated more than $3 billion in purchases from U.S. companies by overseas clients.

IESC Services

  • Technical, Managerial & Professional Consulting
  • Long-term Mentoring
  • Training Programs
  • Business Development Services
  • Trade Linkages & Trade Shows
  • Competitiveness Benchmarking
  • International Standards Certification
  • Export & Investment Facilitation
  • E-Commerce Solutions
  • Management Training Programs
  • Human Resource Management
  • Local Market Information
  • Technology Access

International Voluntary Service Activities

IESC is currently active in 55 countries delivering both technical and managerial assistance consultancies as well as large multi-task development programs, principally through funding by US government agencies and departments. IESC has more than 11,000 volunteers available for assignments. During the past 12 months IESC has deployed about 350 volunteers on overseas assignments and utilized and additional 100 or more for domestic or "virtual" program advice and counsel. Examples of IESC's major development programs are:

  • Jordan US Business Partnership ( USAID)
  • Morocco Fast Track Trade ( MEPI/USAID)
  • VEGA/Bulgaria Trade Development Program (USAID)
  • VEGA/Iraq Private Sector Development Initiative(USAID)
  • Africa Fast Track Trade ( Trade for Africa/USAID)
  • BizAIDS: Zambia and South Africa (USAID)
  • AGOA Linkages in Comesa -ALINC (USAID)
  • Ghana Accra Technology Skills Project (USAID)
  • Geekcorps/Mali (USAID) R
  • wanda/Technical Assistance (USAID)
  • Armenia/Tourism (UNDP/USAID)
  • Digital Freedom Initiative in Senegal with the Geekcorps (USAID)
  • Global Trade & Technology Network (USAID )
  • Ukraine: IESC/Gillette Partnership for Economic Development

Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities 300


Geographic Regions Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Near East, Fr. Soviet Union


Health & Prosperity Sectors Agriculture, Economic Growth, Reform, Capacity Building, Education, HIV/AIDS,Water, Competitiveness, Information Communication Technology, Natural Resources Management,Women Youth Empowerment


Types of Opportunities Management,Technical, Support


Average Duration of Projects 35 days


Volunteer Profile Summary

IESC is currently accepting new registrants on a very selective basis due to an overwhelming abundance of senior-level executive and managerial talent in the IESC Skills Bank database. At this time, only applicants with significant experience in one of the following fields or industries can expect to be included in the Skills Bank: Tourism/Hospitality Textiles/Apparel Agribusiness/Food processing Arts & Handicrafts Leather Production Local government Trade and export development/Trade policy Legal and regulatory reform MSME development/competitiveness business support organization capacity building Association management To be considered for future assignments, it is essential to have an active email address and very important to attach an electronic copy of your resume to your registration.


USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID