Catholic Medical Mission Board...the Leading US based Catholic sponsored philanthropic organization.
Mahler for the Children of AIDS
Hosted by and benefiting CMMB

Urgent Need in Haiti

Four hurricanes hit Haiti in September, causing unprecedented destruction. Over 800,000 Haitians have been affected by the flooding. More than 250,000 people have been without food, clean water, or medicines for weeks, and are struggling to survive. We must act now to provide water, food, and urgent healthcare to reduce the death toll from rising.

DONATE NOW and help provide emergency medicines and services to survivors.


Meet CMMB People

Meet Susan Tang, PA, a CMMB medical volunteer. Susan lives and works at the Policlinico San Pablo on the outskirts of the Peruvian city of Arequipa, which has a population of about 31,000 people. Susan and her colleagues see patients in their outpatient clinic, visit the elderly and disabled at home, and conduct physical therapy class for the disabled.


Read her latest message from Peru >>


Photo: Richard Lord

Discover CMMB Programs

CMMB is a proud part of AIDSRelief, a consortium funded by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). We are working to deliver antiretroviral therapies to more HIV-infected persons in Africa and the Caribbean. In March 2008, AIDSRelief passed two life-saving milestones: over 100,000 people are on antiretrovirals, and over 250,000 HIV-positive patients receive care and support.


Learn more about Accion por la Salud Familiar >>


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