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European Union, Finland, Japan, Norway, Sweden, USA and UNDP contribute 11,5 million dollars to support Zambia’s 2008 presidential elections
Lusaka 21 October 2008. The Minister of Finance and National Planning, Hon Ng’andu P. Magande, MP and Macleod G. Nyirongo, United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative in Zambia have today signed a multi-donor funded Emergency Support for the 2008 Presidential Elections project document. 11,5 million dollar project is co-funded by European Union, Finland, Japan, Norway, Sweden, United States of America and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Open Trust Fund will be coordinated and managed by UNDP.
Read the statement by UNDP Resident Representative Macleod Nyirongo
Download press release, 23rd October 2008

Macleod Nyirongo takes office as new UN Resident Coordinator in Zambia
The United Nations System in Zambia has welcomed the appointment of Mr. Macleod Nyirongo as the new Resident Coordinator to succeed Mr. Aeneas Chuma, whose tour of duty ended last June 2008. Mr. Nyirongo, who will also serve as the UN Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, takes assignment in Zambia after serving in the same capacity with the United Nations’ country office in Eritrea.
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Resident Representative Aeneas Chuma completes tour of duty in Zambia
Lusaka 27th June 2008. Aeneas C. Chuma, United Nations Resident Representative for Zambia and UNDP Resident Coordinator, has completed his tour of duty in Zambia. He worked in Zambia for almost 5 years from September 2003 until June 2008 and will now continue his work as Resident Representative in Kenya.
Farewell statement in pdf

Zambia Millennium Development Goals Progress Report 2007 launched
Lusaka 25th June 2008. 3rd MDGs Progress Report for Zambia shows that Zambia has made significant progress towards MDGs. According to the report, only MDG 7: Environmental Sustainability is unlikely to be achieved.

The Report was published by the Government of Zambia and UN Country Team. The report was written in collaboration with all stakeholders, including civil society organizations, private sector and cooperating partners involved in the development sphere in Zambia. Previous Zambia MDGs progress reports were produced in 2003 and 2005. The purpose of these reports is to assess progress towards the attainment of MDGs in Zambia.
Status of MDGs in Zambia (pdf)




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