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Organization Chart
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Organizational Structure of the
Social Security Administration






Chapter TM


I.              Mission 

The Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy  (ORDP) is the principal advisor to the Commissioner of Social Security on major policy issues and is responsible for all major activities in the areas of strategic and program policy planning, policy research and evaluation, statistical programs, and overall policy development, analysis and implementation.  The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, RDP serves as the Agency lead spokesperson in presenting policy proposals and analysis within and outside the Executive Branch.  The Office directs and manages the planning, development, issuance, and evaluation of operational policies, standards, and instructions for the Retirement and Survivors Insurance, Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, and other SSA programs. The Office assists in achievement of consistency in program policy across programs administered by SSA.   The Office is involved in analyses of legislative and regulatory specifications and budgetary impacts of legislation on programs administered by SSA.  The Office produces, presents, supports, and publishes OASDI and SSI program data, statistics, research, analyses, and reports that detail trends and effects of the programs on recipients and potential recipients.  It explains impacts of reform proposal options to enhance program provisions or solvency.  The Office develops and evaluates demonstrations and studies that support the policy development of SSA.  The Office works with the Department of Treasury on issues of policy relating to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and the Self-Employment Contributions Act, including such matters as definition of wages and implementation of laws.  It manages a nationwide network of medical, psychological, and vocational experts who assist Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), the Decision Review Board (DRB), State Disability Determination Services(DDS) and the Office of Quality Performance(OQP) in making disability determinations and decisions. It directs formulation of Agency policy regarding related government programs that affect SSA programs and/or operations and negotiates related agreements with other agencies.  It evaluates the effectiveness of national policies in meeting both short and long-term program goals.

II.      Organization 

A.           The Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy (TMA).

B.           The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy (TMA).

C.           The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy (TMA).

D.           The Office of Income Security Programs (TMB)

E.            The Office of Employment Support Programs (TMC).

F.            The Office of Disability Programs (TME).

G.           The Office of Program Development and Research (TMG).

H.           The Office of Program Systems and Innovation Management  (TMH).  

I.               The Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise (TMJ)

J.             The Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics (TMK).

K.           The Office of Retirement Policy (TMM).

III.       Functions

A.           The Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy (TMA) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out the ODCRDP mission and for providing general supervision to the major components of ODCRDP.

B.           The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy (TMA) assists the Deputy Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Deputy Commissioner may prescribe.

C.           The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy (TMA) provides the Deputy Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of his/her responsibilities.  Provides expert advice and support to the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner on Agency-level projects and initiatives that impact the Agency’s policymaking processes.

D.           The Office of Income Security Programs (TMB) provides SSA-wide leadership and direction to the development, coordination and promulgation of Retirement and Survivors Insurance (RSI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) policies and procedures.  It develops, coordinates, evaluates and issues the policies, standards and instructions for the RSI and SSI programs. The Office develops agreements with the States and other agencies that govern State supplementation programs, Medicaid eligibility, food stamps, and fiscal reporting processes.  The Office of Income Security Programs is responsible for all aspects of SSA’s policy process and the migration of RSI and SSI program services to the Internet.

E.            The Office of Employment Support Programs (TMC) plans, develops, evaluates, issues and administers operational policies that implement provisions in the Social Security Act and related statutes promoting or otherwise facilitating the employment of Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Program beneficiaries with disabilities.  Plans and directs a program to assess and evaluate beneficiary needs in the areas of rehabilitation and employment support.  Provides operational advice, technical support and direction to central office, regional office and field components in the administration of employment support programs.  Implements legislation related to employment support programs.  Provides assistance in educating the public about disability program work incentives, rehabilitation and other forms of employment support.  Establishes and maintains relationships with parties interested in the employment of persons with disabilities.  Engages in broad-based efforts in partnership with other public and private entities to remove employment obstacles encountered by disability beneficiaries.  Promotes process innovation and cooperation among its partners and stakeholders.

F.            The Office of Disability Programs (TME) plans, develops, evaluates and issues the operational and administrative appeals process policies, standards and instructions for the SSA-administered disability programs. Develops and interprets SSA program policy governing requests for policies and guidelines for use by State, Federal or private contractor providers which implement the disability provisions of the Social Security Act, as amended.  Evaluates the effects of proposed legislation and legislation pending before Congress to determine the impact on the disability programs.  Ensures that interrelated policy areas are coordinated.

G.           The Office of Program Development and Research (TMG) provides broad program analysis and development in support of the Disability Insurance (DI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs.  Maintains awareness of issues concerning the broad program policy environment including Congress, the private sector and other government agencies, and ensures the Agency’s policy and research agendas consider and reflect these points of view.  Directs studies of program policy issues related to the development and evaluation of disability and SSI program initiatives and legislative and policy proposals. Identifies trends in the SSI and the disability programs and compiles and analyzes data on various aspects of those programs.  Designs, implements and evaluates demonstration projects to target special populations and program issues.  Formulates Agency policy regarding crosscutting programs or issues related to disability and/or income assistance programs and works with other agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services, toward this end.

H.           The Office of Program Systems and Innovation Management  (TMH) provides expert advice and support to the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner on the technology that supports Agency-level projects and initiatives that impact the Agency’s policymaking processes.  It provides user support to all its ORDP components.  It directs   all systems activities supporting the Agency’s electronic programmatic instructional system. 

I.               The Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise (TMJ) provides expert advice and supports SSA’s disability determinations process. It manages a nationwide network of medical, psychological, and vocational experts who assist Federal Reviewing Officials(ROs), Administrative Law Judges(ALJs), the Decision Review Board(DRB), State Disability Determination Services(DDS) and the Office of Quality Performance(OQP) in making disability determinations and decisions. It assists in ensuring the full development of the record, enabling adjudicators to make accurate determinations or decisions as early as possible, and facilitates subsequent reviews when a case is appealed to a higher level. 

J.             The Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics (TMK) develops and conducts SSA's research and statistical programs.  Topics of research include evaluation of such things as income security, the effects of Social Security and income assistance programs on the economy, financing, and adequacy of cash benefits.  This Office plans and directs studies to evaluate the effects of proposed policy changes on individuals, the economy, SSA programs and the interactions among these programs, other tax and income-transfer programs, and economic, social and demographic forces.  Short and long-term research on the disabled population, work incentives, assessment tools, and impact of current and emerging medical technologies on SSA disability financing and income assistance programs are conducted by the Agency under the oversight of this Office.  This Office is also responsible for designing, implementing and assessing the results of models that test proposed changes in policy.  Establishes linkages of SSA data with data from other statistical and record systems and develops and operates models to analyze the impact of present programs and program alternatives.  Conducts broad analyses of major social and economic trends and their impact on Social Security and income assistance program policy.

K.           The Office of Retirement Policy (TMM) provides policy analysis and policy development in retirement and survivors insurance programs.  This Office is responsible for the development of social insurance, financing and economic policy for the Agency.  Conducts broad analyses of major social and economic trends and their impact on social insurance policies.



Subchapter TMB


I.        Mission 

The Office of Income Security Programs provides SSA-wide leadership and direction to the development, coordination and promulgation of Retirement and Survivors Insurance (RSI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) policies and procedures.  Develops agreements with the States and other agencies that govern State supplementation programs, Medicaid eligibility, food stamps, and fiscal reporting processes.  Is responsible for all aspects of SSA’s policy process and the migration of RSI and SSI program services to the Internet.

II.      Organization   

A.      The Associate Commissioner for Income Security Programs (TMB).

B.     The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Income Security Programs (TMB).

C.     The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Income Security
       Programs (TMB).

D.     The Office of Earnings and Program Integrity Policy (TMBA).

E.     The Office of Payment & Claimant Representation Policy (TMBB).

F.      The Office of Enumeration & Medicare Policy (TMBC).

G.     The Office of SSI and Rep Payee Policy (TMBE).

H.     The Office of Application & Electronic Services Support Policy (TMBG).

III.      Functions 

A.      The Associate Commissioner for Income Security Programs (TMB) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy for carrying out OISP’s mission and provides general supervision to the major components of OISP.

B.     The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Income Security Programs (TMB) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.

C.     The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Income Security Programs (TMB) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and helps coordinate the activities of OISP components.

D.     The Office of Earnings & Program Integrity Policy (TMBA).

1.      Plans, develops and evaluates the policies, standards and instructions and    provides guidance to field components on issues related to the RSI and/or   SSI program(s) in the areas of coverage earnings records and corrections, and payment policy, and provides policy for federal and state government components on State and local coverage and corrections.

2.      Develops and issues guidelines, directives, instructions and procedures for such subject areas as the Coal Act, wages, coverage and exceptions, earnings records and earnings records corrections and discrepancies, self-employment status and income, religious exemptions (including determinations as to whether sects meet legal requirements for exemptions to apply), State and local coverage, statutes of limitations, taxation of Social Security benefits and SSA benefit statements, payment accuracy, reporting, overpayments and underpayments, suspensions and terminations, garnishments, IRS levies, and re-determinations. 

E.     The Office of Payment & Claimant Representation Policy (TMBB).

1.      Plans, develops and evaluates the policies, standards and instructions and provides guidance to field components on issues related to the RSI and SSI programs in the areas of payment compliance and representing claimant policy.

2.      Develops and issues guidelines, directives, instructions and procedures for such payment compliance and representing claimant subject areas as change of address, computations, administrative finality, res judicata, due process, appeals, and retirement earnings test.

F.      The Office of Enumeration & Medicare Policy (TMBC).

1.      Plans, develops and evaluates the policies, standards and instructions and provides guidance to field components on issues related to the RSI and SSI programs in the areas of enumeration and Medicare.

2.      Develops and issues guidelines, directives, instructions and procedures for such enumeration and Medicare subject areas as assignment of Social Security numbers (SSN) and issuance of cards, citizenship, liaison with Immigration and Naturalization Services, application for SSNs, Medicare Savings Programs, Rx Drug Outreach, and for inter-program relationships with Medicaid and Medicare.

G.           The Office of SSI & Rep Payee Policy (TMBE).

1.      Plans, develops and evaluates the policies, standards and instructions and provides guidance to field components on issues related to the RSI and SSI programs in the areas of representative payment, deeming, income, resources, in-kind support and maintenance, institutions and living arrangements. 

2.      Develops and issues guidelines, directives, instructions and procedures for such representative payment subject areas as (in)capability assessment, investigation and selection of payees, use and conservation of benefits, misuse of benefits, payment for payee services and payee oversight, deeming, income, resources, in-kind support and maintenance, institutions, living arrangements, interim assistance reimbursement, notices and Agency notice improvement activities.

H.           The Office of Application & Electronic Services Support Policy (TMBG)

1.      Plans, develops and evaluates the policies, standards and instructions and provides guidance to field components on issues related to the RSI and SSI programs in the areas of applications, authentication and eligibility.  Facilitates the migration of RSI and SSI program services to the Internet and to other electronic mediums that enable the public to interact with SSA electronically by developing a foundation for Internet program policy expertise that ensures uniformity and consistency of Internet applications and resources.

2.      Develops and issues guidelines, directives, instructions and procedures for such applications, authentication and eligibility policy subject areas as application for benefits, adjudication, evidentiary standards, insured status, qualified aliens, relationships, ready retirement and inter-program relationships with food stamps.  Identifies crosscutting program and authentication issues when implementing Internet applications and recommends changes to meet both program and client needs.  Develops and issues guidelines, directives, instructions, and procedures to field components on Internet and electronic services activities. 


Subchapter TMC


I.            Mission 

The Office of Employment Support Programs (OESP) plans, develops, evaluates, issues and administers operational policies that implement provisions in the Social Security Act and related statutes promoting or otherwise facilitating the employment of Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Program beneficiaries with disabilities.  Plans and directs a program to assess and evaluate beneficiary needs in the areas of rehabilitation and employment support.  Provides operational advice, technical support and direction to central office, regional office and field components in the administration of employment support programs.  Implements legislation and analyzes the effects of policy and regulatory changes to determine the operational impact on employment support programs.  Provides assistance in educating the public about disability program work incentives, rehabilitation, other forms of employment support and proposed program changes.  Establishes and maintains relationships with parties interested in the employment of persons with disabilities.  Engages in broad-based efforts in partnership with other public and private entities to remove employment obstacles encountered by disability program beneficiaries.  Promotes process innovation and cooperation among its partners and stakeholders. 

II.     Organization 

A.     The Associate Commissioner for Employment Support Programs (TMC).

B.     The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Employment Support Programs (TMC).

C.     The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Employment Support

      Programs (TMC).

D.     The Office of Beneficiary Outreach and Employment Support (TMCA).

E.      The Office of Ticket Operation and Provider Support (TMCB). 

III.    Functions 

A.     The Associate Commissioner for Employment Support Programs (TMC) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy for carrying out OESP's mission, and provides general supervision to the major components of OESP.

B.     The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Employment Security Programs (TMC) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities, and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.

C.     The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Employment Security Programs (TMC) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and helps coordinate the activities of the OESP components.  This includes coordinating activities involving relations with customers, stakeholders and other parties.

D.     The Office of Beneficiary Outreach and Employment Support (TMCA).

1.            Implements and maintains program policy on DI and SSI work incentives, and related areas, including areas of intercomponent concern such as substantial gainful activity.  Drafts regulations and prepares operating policies and related instructional materials.

2.            Develops, in conjunction with the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Communications, informational materials to increase public understanding and use of work incentives and to support the employment efforts of Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities.

3.            Develops proposals and plans for new work incentives and other policy changes. 

4.            Develops specifications for and administers grants, cooperative agreements and Federal interagency agreements in support of program and operational activities.

E.      The Office of Ticket Operation and Provider Support (TMCB). 

1.            Implements the provisions of the Social Security Act which facilitate access to rehabilitation and other forms of employment support services through the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program.

2.            Evaluates the performance of service providers in the public and private sectors.  Certifies payment to service providers and ensures that beneficiary participation in the program is appropriate.

3.            Develops, implements, evaluates and maintains regulations, program operating policies, and instructional and other materials on employment services and service provider operations.  Interfaces with the vocational rehabilitation programs administered under the Rehabilitation Act.  Develops proposals and plans for new employment support services and other related program changes.


Subchapter TME


I.          Mission 

The Office of Disability Programs plans, develops, evaluates and issues substantive regulations, policies and procedures for the SSA administered disability programs.  Develops and promulgates policies and guidelines for use by State, Federal or private contractor providers which implement the disability provisions of the Social Security Act, as amended.  Evaluates the effects of proposed legislation and legislation pending before Congress to determine the impact on the disability programs.  Ensures that interrelated policy areas are coordinated. 

II.            Organization 

A.           The Associate Commissioner for Disability Programs (TME).

B.           The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Disability Programs (TME).

C.           The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Disability Programs  (TME).

D.           The Office of Compassionate Allowances and Listings Improvement (TMEA).

E.            The Office of Vocational Policy (TMEB).

F.            The Office of Process Policy (TMEC).

G.           The Office of Disability Program Management Information  (TMEE).

H.           The Office of Health Information Technology and Electronic Policy (TMEG).

I.              The Office of Program Consultation (TMEH).

III.         Functions 

A.           The Associate Commissioner for Disability Programs (TME) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy for carrying out its mission and providing general supervision to its major components.

B.           The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Disability Programs (TME) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.

C.           The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Disability Programs (TME) provides the Associate Commissioner with advisory services and staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and coordinates the administrative and program activities of ODP components.  Other duties includes:

1.            Development, coordination and oversight of disability policies, procedures and process requirements supporting creation of an electronic disability claims process; and 

2.            Development and oversight of a policy framework supporting consistent application of disability program policy through all levels of disability adjudication and the quality assurance process.

D.           The Office of Compassionate Allowances and Listings Improvement

1.            Develops broad medical concepts and policies for the administration of the Title II and Title XVI programs.  Provides leadership and professional direction for the development of policy and procedures to quickly identify individuals with disabling diseases (Compassionate Allowances).

2.            Develops studies and research evaluating impairment severity and other medical disability issues.

3.            Provides leadership and professional direction to Regional Medical Officers and consultants, and to State Disability Determination Services medical personnel engaged in Title II and Title XVI disability program-related activities.

4.            Provides medical consultation required in the formulation of medical evaluation policies and guides and develops orientation and training programs for adjudicative personnel in SSA, including State Disability Determination Services.

5.            Develops, evaluates, implements and maintains disability program policy for all medical issues, both adults and children, including evaluation policies for all body systems, standards for evaluating medical evidence, Psychiatric Review Technique, impairment duration, medical diaries and presumptive disability/blindness criteria, to be used in deciding disability claims at all adjudicative levels.

6.            Provides medical policy consultation for individual court cases and class actions ensuing that policies and procedures reflect specific court orders and legal precedents.

E.     The Office of Vocational Policy (TMEB).

1.      Develops broad vocational and non-medical concepts and policies for the administration of the Title II and Title XVI disability programs.

2.      Develops studies and research evaluating vocational and other non-medical disability issues.

3.      Provides professional direction, through  the Office of Disability Determinations, to regional and State Disability Determination Services personnel engaged in Title II and Title XVI-related activities.

4.      Develops orientation and training programs in the vocational and other non-medical areas for all adjudicative personnel in SSA, including State Disability Determination Services.

5.      Develops, evaluates, implements and maintains disability program policy for all vocational and other non-medical issues, both adult and children, including age, education, work experience, vocational rules, vocational data and reference materials (e.g. Dictionary of Occupational Titles), work evaluations, disability onset, disability standards, credibility, claimant responsibility, evidence development and evaluation, acceptable medical sources and opinions, residual functional capacity, interview and function forms, medical improvement review standards to be used at all adjudicative levels. 

6.      Provides vocational and other non-medical policy consultation for individual court cases and class actions ensuring that policies and procedures reflect specific court orders and legal precedents.

F.      The Office of Process Policy (TMEC).

1.      Develops procedures and instructions for the disability provisions of other programs including certain Title XVI and XVIII provisions unique to the disability program (e.g. notice policy, appeals policy, jurisdiction and routing, deferred development, disclosure of medical records, workers’ compensation offset, technical denials, and fraud and similar fault). 

2.      Develops and implements policy and procedures for the oversight of consultative examinations, administrative appeals, procedural administrative finality issues, litigation and the disability hearing process.  

3.      Writes, updates, and converts disability-related Program Operations Manual System (POMS) content into a web-based searchable format.  

4.      Develops, maintains and updates disability training materials for all adjudicators including basic training packages, Interactive Video Training, and web-based training.  

G.      The Office of Disability Program Management Information  (TMEE).

1.      Extracts programmatic management information (MI), analyzes MI from programmatic perspective and generates reports.

2.      Tracks the impact of existing or revised disability policies.

3.      Analyzes programmatic data across all adjudicative levels (DDS, ODAR).

4.      Oversees eRPC system and related MI.

5.      Participates in “studies” for disability program/policy evaluation.

6.      Prepares program data to support COSS level initiatives.

       H.   The Office of Health Information Technology and Electronic Policy (TMEG).

1.            Has the ORDP lead for SSA's Health Information Technology initiatives, including monitoring information technology developments in the health care industry as well as the healthcare industry's implementation of standards for transmitting electronic medical records; developing methods of analyzing industry standard code-sets for capturing clinical information and relating them to SSA listings of medical impairments; and participating in the health IT standards community to influence national policies and standards. 

2.            Oversees and coordinates the functions of the Electronic Records Express Website considering the needs of the various user components.

3.            Maintains and updates electronic policies and procedures for electronic case processing, developing policy compliant EF requirements to incorporate processing of all types of disability claims.

4.            Participates in the development, implementation and enhancement of software applications that support Electronic Folder (EF) processing to ensure policy compliance, support of the administration of Title II and Title XVI disability programs, and legal defensibility.

5.            Coordinates the Internet Disability Report process to ensure internet forms are consistent with disability policy.

6.            Conducts national training on EF policy.

7.            Ensures that the EF interfaces and supports national disability policy. 

8.            Supports the development of a consistent electronic policy across all levels of adjudication.

  1. The Office of Program Consultation (TMEH).

1.      Provides policy guidance by addressing and resolving policy disagreements which arise in the course of quality reviews that the Office of Quality Performance (OQP) conducts of disability cases processed by State Disability Determination Services (DDSs).

2.      Issues clarification and resolution of policy disagreements, identifies issues that require policy revision or clarification, and refers to the policy components for appropriate changes to official published policy.

3.      Identifies issues that require training or retraining in Operations or OQP, and makes appropriate referrals to ensure training is undertaken.

4.      Identifies situations in which policy cannot be applied as written based on operational barriers or constraints.  Refers these issues to Operations and policy components to revise official published policy in a way that allows for effective application by both the DDS and OQP.

5.      Provides qualitative and quantitative analysis based on RPC findings.

6.      Conducts case reviews on special issues as needed by ODP.

7.      Oversees case analysis and case explanation activities. 



Subchapter TMG


I.      Mission 

The Office of Program Development and Research provides broad program analysis and development in support of the Disability and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs.  The Office maintains awareness of issues concerning the broad program policy environment including Congress, the private sector and other government agencies, and ensures the Agency’s policy and research agendas consider and reflect these points of view.  Directs studies of program policy issues related to the development and evaluation of disability and SSI program initiatives and legislative and policy proposals.  The Office identifies trends in the SSI and the disability programs and compiles and analyzes data on various aspects of those programs.  Designs, implements and evaluates demonstration projects to target special populations and program issues.  Formulates Agency policy regarding crosscutting programs or issues related to disability and/or income assistance programs and works with other agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services, towards this end. 

II.    Organization 

  1. The Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research (TMG).
  2. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research (TMG).
  3. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research (TMG).
  4. The Office of Program Development (TMGA).
  5. The Office of Program Evaluation (TMGB).
  6. The Office of Data Analysis (TMGC).
  7. The Office of Program Research (TMGE). 

III.     Functions 

  1. The Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research (TMG) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy for carrying out the mission of the office and providing general supervision to its major components.
  2. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research (TMG) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.
  3. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research (TMG) provides the Associate Commissioner and the Deputy Associate Commissioner with advisory services and staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and coordinates the administrative and program activities of OPDR components.
  4. The Office of Program Development (TMGA).

1.            Develops and implements disability and SSI-related demonstration projects including projects that would encourage work and self-sufficiency.

2.            Administers grants, interagency agreements, contracts and unsolicited proposals for ORDP.

3.            Conducts outreach for demonstration projects and other initiatives relevant to program development.

E.      The Office of Program Evaluation (TMGB).

1.            Maintains awareness of issues concerning the broad program policy environment including Congress, the private sector and other government agencies, and ensures the Agency’s policy and research agendas consider and reflect these points of view.

2.            Formulates Agency policy regarding crosscutting programs or issues related to disability and/or income assistance programs and works with other agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services, toward this end.

3.            Conducts analyses of international disability and income assistance programs.

F.      The Office of Data Analysis (TMGC).

1.      Identifies trends in disability programs and emerging issues and policy implications.

2.      Compiles and analyzes data on various aspects the disability and SSI programs, including such areas as SSI children, demonstration projects, denied applicants and work incentives.

G.      The Office of Program Research (TMGE).

1.      Identifies and develops potential research projects that will support future policy initiatives.

2.      Reviews current research and determines SSI and disability policy implications.

3.      Conducts studies and analyses on the national disabled population, applicants for benefits, disability beneficiaries, work incentives and disability assessment tools.

4.      Conducts analyses of the interrelationships between SSA’s disability programs, the national economy and other income maintenance programs, as well as various socioeconomic factors.


Subchapter (TMH)


I.           Mission 

The Office of Program Systems and Innovation Management (OPSIM) provides expert advice and support to the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner on the technology that supports Agency-level projects and initiatives that impact on the Agency’s policymaking processes.  It provides user support to all ORDP components and directs all systems activities supporting the Agency’s electronic program policy system. 

II.          Organization 

A.      The Director of Programs Systems and Innovation Management (TMH).

B.     The Deputy Director of Program Systems and Innovation Management (TMH).

C.     The Immediate Office of the Director of Program Systems and Innovation

      Management (TMH).

D.     The Program Policy Online Project Management Staff (TMH-1).

E.     The Center for Infrastructure and User Support (TMHA).

F.      The Center for Program Systems Development (TMHB).

G.     The Center for Technology Management (TMHC).

H.     The Office of Program PolicyNet and Innovation Management (TMHE). 

III.          Functions

A.      The Director for Program Systems and Innovation Management (TMH) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy for carrying out its mission and providing general supervision to its major components.

B.     The Deputy Director for Program Systems and Innovation Management (TMH) assists the Director in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Director may prescribe.

C.     The Immediate Office of the Director for Program Systems and Innovation Management (TMH) provides the Director with advisory services and staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and coordinates the activities of OPSIM, and helps coordinates the activities of OPSIM components.

D.     The Program Policy Online Project Management Staff (TMH-1) develops and implements Program Policy Online (PPO) which embodies a new approach in policy authorizing, incorporating structure writing featuring task-based, categorized policy instructions.

E.     The Center for Infrastructure and User Support (TMHA) provides user and infrastructure support to all ORDP components.  Liaison with the Office of Systems for all infrastructure activities.  Oversees application and file server administration and management for ORDP components.  Manages software and hardware inventories and oversees ORDP-wide rollouts and migrations.

F.      The Center for Program Systems Development (TMHB) directs, develops and coordinates information technology requirements, application programs and management information systems for new and modified systems in direct support of ORDP.  Is responsible for most phases in the systems development life cycle.  These responsibilities include determining automation solutions for user needs, developing software systems specifications, analyzing existing computer applications, preparing recommendations, software design and development, testing and validating systems, documenting systems, accepting systems on behalf of SSA’s user community and conducting post-installation evaluation.

G.     The Center for Technology Management (TMHC) oversees the formulation and execution of the ITS budget for ORDP, including determining small purchase recommendations, developing cost analyses and preparing a variety of ITS budget documents.  Oversees the development, execution and management of task orders to acquire IT resources and contracts for projects and services.  Provides management for large scale projects involving contractual resources for the Deputy Commissioner, ORDP and ORDP Associate Commissioner level offices.  Represents ORDP in negotiations with the Office of Systems and with the Office of the Chief Information Officer on funding requests for major projects requiring IT resources.  Represents ORDP on Agency-level steering and planning committees that develop and prioritizes technology initiatives and/or funding that impact the Agency’s programmatic policy development process.  Directs change management initiatives aimed at achieving more efficient and effective policy-related processes and assists the organization and individual employees in the transition to new work environments.

H.     The Office of Program PolicyNet and Innovation Management (TMHE) directs the management of all activities supporting production, publication, distribution, indexing and storage of SSA’s program instructions (both electronic and hardcopy) and programmatic-related documents.  Oversees SSA’s policy process including establishing and maintaining Agency standards for the development of program instructions.  Directs the ongoing evaluation and improvement of SSA’s policy process and solicits external stake holders input to the policy process and assists authoring components in developing policy documents.  Directs technical research into improved methods of delivering complex policy knowledge and oversees maintenance of SSA’s technical documents including the Compilation and the Social Security Act.  Provides expert advice and support to the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner on Agency-level projects and initiatives that impact the Agency’s policymaking processes and the technology that supports them.  Assesses the programmatic policy development processes to identify and recommend technology improvement and enhancements.





I.    Mission

The Office provides expert advice and supports SSA’s disability determinations process. It manages a nationwide network of medical, psychological, and vocational experts who assist Federal Reviewing Officials(ROs), Administrative Law Judges(ALJs), the Decision Review Board(DRB), State Disability Determination Services(DDS) and the Office of Quality Performance(OQP) in making disability determinations and decisions. It assists in ensuring the full development of the record, enabling adjudicators to make accurate determinations or decisions as early as possible, and facilitates subsequent reviews when a case is appealed to a higher level.   

II.   Organization

A.            The Associate Commissioner of Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise (TMJ).

B.           The Deputy Associate Commissioner of Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise (TMJ).

C.           Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise (TMJ).

D.           Project Management Office (TMJA).

E.           Case Management Office (TMJB).

F.            Program Analysis Office (TMJC). 

III.  Functions

A.            The Associate Commissioner (TMJ) for the Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy for carrying out OMVE’s mission and providing general supervision to its components.

B.           The Deputy Associate Commissioner (TMJ) for the Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.

C.        The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner (TMJ) for Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with advisory services and staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and coordinates the administrative and program activities of OMVE components.

D.       The Project Management Office (TMJA) manages medical and vocational expert contracts and handles issues regarding qualifications and suitability of medical and vocational experts. Serves as liaison to the nationwide network of experts on contract and scheduling issues. Manages medical and vocational expert recruitment and recruitment of consultative examination providers.

E.       The Case Management Office (TMJB) manages disability cases referred to OMVE for medical or vocational consultation via the nationwide network of experts. Assists Federal Reviewing Officials and ALJs who request additional information from a consultative examination; identifies a CE provider to conduct the examination and schedules a CE; assists Federal Reviewing Officials and ALJs in obtaining medical evidence. Provides advice and guidance to the DDS, ROs, ALJs, the DRB, OQP and the national network of experts on problems encountered in the adjudication and review of disability cases. Participates in efforts to ensure claimants receive a disability determination by the DDS, ROs and/or ALJs that is both accurate and consistent with established regulations and national practices. Processes payments for expert services, consultative examinations, and medical evidence; arranges for experts to testify at hearings. In addition, in conjunction with the Office of Medical Policy and the Office of Disability Evaluation Policy, provides medical consultation required in the formulation of medical evaluation policies and guides. Conducts medical reviews of evidence for purposes of adjudication of medical aspects of claims, as part of an evaluation of the application of policies and procedures and/or as part of a study to develop new medical policies, guides and training.

F.        The Program Analysis Office (TMJC) supports the National Disability program by reviewing, assessing, analyzing, and assisting with the development of new policy and procedures for the disability determination process as it relates to the OMVE. Evaluates disability policy and procedure as it relates to the OMVE; prepares internal procedures. Coordinates training on materials pertinent to the disability determination process as it relates to the OMVE and the nationwide network of experts. Analyzes management information on the OMVE and nationwide network of experts responsible for quality assurance of the OMVE; manages inter-agency correspondence. 



Subchapter TMK


I.               Mission 

The Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics is responsible for providing information on the effects on individuals and the economy of programs operated by SSA and the interactions among these programs, other tax and income-transfer programs and economic, social and demographic forces.  Plans and directs a continuing program of economic and social research to evaluate the effectiveness of national policies in meeting desired program outcomes.  Plans and directs studies and surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of policy development, implementation and program outcomes of the disability, retirement and survivors and supplemental security income programs. 

II.                  Organization

A.      The Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation and Statistics (TMK).

B.     The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation and Statistics (TMK).

C.     The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for  Research, Evaluation and Statistics (TMK).

D.     The Division of Information Resources (TMKA).

E.     The Division of Program Studies (TMKB).

F.      The Division of Economic Research (TMKC).

G.     The Division of Earnings Statistics and Analysis (TMKE).

H.     The Division of RSDI Statistics and Analysis (TMKG).

I.      The Division of SSI Statistics and Analysis (TMKH).

J.       The Division of Policy Evaluation (TMKJ).  

III.            Functions 

A.         The Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation, and Statistics (TMK) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Policy, for carrying out ORES' mission, and providing general supervision to the major components of ORES.

B.        The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation, and Statistics (TMK) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.

C.        The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation, and Statistics (TMK) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and helps coordinate the activities of ORES components.

D.        The Division of Information Resources (TMKA).

  1.   Organizes, presents, and disseminates research and statistical studies in both printed and electronic forms.

  2.  Maintains the Office of Retirement and Disability Policy information resource facilities; i.e., library and website.

E.        The Division of Program Studies (TMKB).

 1.  Plans, conducts, and publishes the results of cross-national data collection and research on social security programs worldwide.

  2. Monitors both public and private-sector programs within the United States and presents results in a number of recurrent publications.

F.         The Division of Economic Research (TMKC).

1.      Plans, directs, and executes issue-oriented research to provide information about relationships between Social Security programs and the economy.

2.      Interprets changing demographic and economic trends as they relate to the broad field of economic security and to overall economic and social policy.

3.      Studies such major areas as:  Social Security financing, economic impacts of Social Security, income maintenance, effects of Social Security on lifetime income redistribution, alternative measures of income adequacy, and labor market and retirement behavior.

G.        The Division of Earnings Statistics and Analysis (TMKE).

1.   Prepares statistical data pertaining to employment, earnings, and employer classification for pubic release and for SSA publications.  Analyzes these data with emphasis on demographic, economic, social, and program characteristics.  These data are used to support policy formulation and evaluation activities within SSA; to inform the public about employment and earnings; and to serve as the basis for research by other Federal, State, and local government agencies, universities, and private research organizations.

  2.  Manages a comprehensive program for the construction of datasets from survey data and extracts from SSA administrative records for SSA components, other government agencies, and individual researchers, both government and private.  Plans and executes interagency and reimbursable agreements to facilitate the sharing of data.

H.        The Division of RSDI Statistics and Analysis (TMKG).

1.      Prepares statistical data pertaining to Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) beneficiary and payment provisions of the Social Security Act.

2.      Analyzes these data with emphasis on demographic, economic, social, and program characteristics.  The statistics and analyses are used to support policy formulation and evaluation activities within SSA; to inform the public about the OASDI program; and to serve as the basis for research by other Federal, State, and local government agencies, universities, and private research organizations. 

I.            The Division of SSI Statistics and Analysis (TMKH).

1.      Plans, coordinates, and directs the preparation of Supplemental Security Income provisions of title XVI of the Social Security Act.

2.      Analyzes these data with emphasis on demographic, economic, social, and program characteristics.  These data are used to support program and legislative planning; serve as important sources for program evaluation, research, and administrative information within SSA; and serve as the basis for research by other Federal, State, and local government agencies, universities, and private research organizations. 

J.   The Division of Policy Evaluation (TMKJ).

1.  Ensures that SSA's policy evaluation research is technically appropriate, professionally sound, policy relevant, and timely.

2.  Plans, directs, and implements a wide variety of research and policy evaluation activities centered upon programs, policies, potential policy changes and the impact on current and future beneficiaries and programs costs.


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