Table 5-21
Rank in S&E article output, by country/economy and selected S&E broad field: 1995 and 2005
    All fields   Engineering   Chemistry   Physics   Geosciences   Mathematics   Biological
Country/economy   1995   2005   1995   2005   1995   2005   1995   2005   1995   2005   1995   2005   1995   2005   1995   2005
U.S.   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
Japan   2   2   2   3   2   3   2   2   5   3   8   7   3   2   3   3
UK   3   3   3   5   6   8   6   7   2   2   4   5   2   3   2   2
Germany   4   4   4   6   3   4   3   4   6   5   3   4   4   4   4   4
China   14   5   8   2   11   2   7   3   15   7   9   3   20   7   21   11
France   5   6   6   7   5   6   5   5   4   6   2   2   5   5   5   7
Canada   6   7   5   8   10   12   9   12   3   4   5   10   6   6   7   6
Italy   8   8   10   10   8   10   8   8   9   9   6   6   7   8   6   5
Spain   11   9   15   12   9   9   11   11   11   10   10   8   11   9   11   10
South Korea   22   10   13   4   15   11   15   9   35   19   24   12   29   13   31   14
Australia   9   11   12   14   14   17   17   18   7   8   11   13   8   10   9   9
India   12   12   9   11   7   7   10   10   13   12   17   21   14   12   19   20
Russia   7   13   7   13   4   5   4   6   8   11   7   9   9   18   22   28
Netherlands   10   14   14   18   13   16   14   17   10   13   13   16   10   11   8   8
Taiwan   18   15   11   9   17   14   20   13   23   15   20   20   22   19   20   16
Sweden   13   16   16   19   18   21   18   19   12   18   15   18   12   14   10   12
Brazil   23   17   25   16   25   15   21   15   24   16   19   15   19   15   24   17
Switzerland   15   18   19   21   16   18   13   16   16   14   16   19   13   16   12   15
Turkey   34   19   26   17   29   20   37   25   29   21   44   27   34   24   25   13
Poland   19   20   18   20   12   13   12   14   27   29   14   14   25   23   28   26

UK = United Kingdom

NOTES: Countries initially ranked on 2005 total article output. Article counts from set of journals covered by Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Articles classified by year of publication and assigned to country/economy on basis of institutional address(es) listed on article. Articles on fractional-count basis, i.e., for articles with collaborating institutions from multiple countries/economies, each country/economy receives fractional credit on basis of proportion of its participating institutions. China includes Hong Kong.

SOURCES: Thomson Scientific, SCI and SSCI,; ipIQ, Inc.; and National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, special tabulations.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008