Table 6-8
Domestic use of high-technology goods, by selected regions/countries/economies: Selected years, 1995–2005
(Billions of constant 2000 dollars)
Region/country/economy   1995   1997   1999   2001   2003   2005
All countries   1,565   1,904   2,245   2,524   2,819   3,533
United States   346   458   649   781   867   1,074
European Union   429   488   561   617   649   747
Asia   604   736   771   853   1,039   1,426
China   76   111   148   212   385   709
Japan   357   421   401   399   395   432
South Korea   45   55   71   97   103   127
Taiwan   42   49   68   57   66   74
All others   185   221   264   273   263   285

NOTES: Domestic use is sum of domestic production and imports minus exports. High-technology manufacturing industries classified by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and include aerospace, communications equipment, office machinery and computers, pharmaceuticals, and scientific instruments. European Union excludes Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Slovenia. Asia includes China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. China includes Hong Kong.

SOURCE: Global Insight, Inc., World Industry Service database, special tabulations (15 April 2007).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008