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US mil helicopters flown by Pakistani pilots delivering British search and rescue teams and supplies to Mazafarabad--the capitol of Kashmir--area in Northern Pakistan suffering much of the most serious. First DART team will be deployed to Mazafarabad tomorrow to assess situation, set up communications systems and help coordinate international relief efforts. Photo: USAID
5000 blankets, 250 rools of plastic sheeting and 5,000 containers of water from USAID's pre-positioning warehouses in Dubai were airlifted to Islamabad, loaded onto Pakistani jingle trucks and delivered to Namsehra and Battagram Districts in Northern Pakistan on October 10. U.S. Ambassador Crocker and USAID DART leader Bill Berger where there to meet the plane.  The Pakistani truck drivers were determined that the USAID banner should be attached to the front of their trucks, and managed to secure them with what they had on hand. Photo: USAID
Photo of USAID truck loaded with relief supplies in Pakistan.  Photo: USAID

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Fri, 29 Jun 2007 17:11:10 -0500