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November 7, 2008    DOL Home > History > Departmental Timeline > The Organic Act of DOL > Memo   

Memorandum from President William Howard Taft

Memorandum to Accompany the Act to Create a Department of Labor

I sign this bill with considerable hesitation, not because I dissent from the purpose of Congress to create a Department of Labor, but because I think that nine departments are enough for the proper administration of the government, and because I think that no new department ought to be created without a reorganization of all departments in the government and a redistribution of the bureaus between them. The distribution of bureaus between the existing departments is far from being economical or logical, and if there is one thing that is needed in the present situation it is a reorganization of our government on business principles and with a view to economy in the administration of the regular governmental machinery.

I forebear, however, to veto this bill, because my motive in doing so would be misunderstood. There is a provision in the bill itself for a recommendation by the head of the new Department as to the reorganization of bureaus that may itself lead to a general reorganization which is so much to be desired.

William H. Taft

The White House

March 4, 1913.

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