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Here's Something To Think About...

Include disaster training in new employee orientation programs.

Promote Family & Individual Preparedness

Re-establishing routines, including getting back to work, is important to the well-being of people who have experienced disasters. If individuals and families are prepared, your company and your co-workers are better positioned in an emergency situation.

  1. Encourage your employees and their families to: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed. Go to for more information.
  2. Print out and distribute copies of Preparing Makes Sense brochures for your workers.
    Preparing Makes Sense,  Acrobat Reader PDF Version
  3. Include emergency preparedness information in newsletters, on company intranet, periodic employee emails and other internal communications tools.
  4. Consider how workers will communicate with family members in case they are separated from one another or injured. Download our Family Emergency Plan.
    Family Emergency Plan,  Acrobat Reader PDF Version

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