1997 Nonemployer Statistics
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

Hawaii *
Includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. More detail is available for employers. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description All taxable firms Nonemployers Employers
53 Real estate & rental & leasing 9,250 2,277,263 7,497 453,131 1,753 1,824,132
531 Real estate 8,556 1,731,683 7,157 439,698 1,399 1,291,985
5311 Lessors of real estate 3,272 1,112,892 2,600 277,736 672 835,156
5312 Offices of real estate agents & brokers 3,345 346,058 2,976 94,511 369 251,547
5313 Activities related to real estate 1,939 272,733 1,581 67,451 358 205,282
53131 Real estate property managers 791 180,043 556 15,769 235 164,274
53132 Offices of real estate appraisers 156 21,580 93 3,234 63 18,346
53139 Other activities related to real estate 992 71,110 932 48,448 60 22,662
532 Rental & leasing services N N D D 348 527,488
5321 Automotive equipment rental & leasing 128 356,342 55 1,991 73 354,351
5322 Consumer goods rental 284 112,912 114 3,657 170 109,255
53221 Consumer electronics & appliances rental N N D D N N
53222 Formal wear & costume rental N N D D 19 56,598
53223 Video tape & disk rental 130 25,580 49 1,718 81 23,862
53229 Other consumer goods rental 125 N 60 1,841 65 D
5323 General rental centers N N D D 27 13,908
5324 Commercial & industrial machinery & equipment rental & leasing 239 56,141 161 6,167 78 49,974
533 Lessors of intangible assets, except copyrighted works N N D D 6 4,659
D Withheld to avoid disclosure;   N Not available; S Withheld because data do not meet publication standards;   W Wholesale receipts for nonemployers are not comparable to wholesale sales for employers;   X Industry not in scope of Economic Census for employers;   t Total does not include employer data for out-of-scope industries;   r revised subsequent to initial publication

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Source: 1997 Economic Census:   Nonemployer Statistics and Geographic Area Series (for employers)

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