Like all kinds of business, government business is based on relationships. And although cost is a primary concern, it isn’t the only criteria on which bids are awarded. To ensure that you play on a level field, you have to let the other team know you’re a player. Personal contact and networking are the most important ways to do that.

The businesses that cultivate connections with people inside the government have the opportunity to create awareness of their business, build credibility, and establish themselves as serious players in the marketplace. Ultimately, when a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Quote (RFQ) is issued, established businesses already know about it and have begun the process of preparing their bid—long before those who rely only on published postings. However, this is not to say that you do not have the opportunity to win an opportunity that you saw published. The government reviews all responses to RFPs and RFQs using the same evaluation criteria putting everyone on a level playing field. If you have an established relationship though, you will understand more about the department’s or agency’s mission and requirements.

The following list of contacts will be helpful to you in growing your business and establishing important contacts.

General Information

  • This Web site guides you through the maze of government rules and regulations and provides access to services and resources to help you start, grow, and succeed in business.
  • is a one-stop federal resource for targeted information, registration for online programs, and networking opportunities to help women entrepreneurs navigate the business world.

Procurement/Purchasing Certification

  • Central Contract Registration
  • GSA Schedule
  • Procurement Center Representative (PCR)
  • Procurement Technical Assistance Centers: PTA Centers are local resources that provide assistance to business firms, at low or no cost, on marketing products and services to the Federal, state and local governments.             
  • Contract Assistance for Women Business Owners (CAWBO): Advocates for women-owned small businesses are available to help you. You’ll find a list of the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for these advocates at federal agencies.
  • SBA/Government Contract and Business Development: You’ll find the names and contact information for key people at the SBA who are involved with government contracting.
  • Here you can search millions of Web pages from federal and state governments, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories, most of which are not available on commercial Web sites. FirstGov has the most comprehensive search of government anywhere on the Internet.
  • GovWorks® maintains a vendor registration database for government officials to search. GovWorks is a federal service-for-fee acquisition center under the U.S. Department of the Interior Franchise Fund. It helps federal agencies acquire products and services for their programs, and awards cooperative agreements and grants.

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