Find Contracting Opportunities

How to Find Contracting Opportunities

Once you've made all necessary registrations, you can begin seeking out business opportunities.


All federal contract solicitations with a value of $25,000 are published on FedBizOpps : Federal Business Opportunities. Government agencies publish the solicitations on FedBizOpps, and provide detailed information on how and when vendors should respond.

GSA Schedules

Many government agencies establish government-wide contracts which simplify the procurement process for federal agencies by allowing them to acquire a vast array of products and services directly from commercial suppliers. The largest government-wide contracts are established by the U.S. General Services Administration under its GSA Schedules Program. GSA establishes long-term contracts that provide over 10 million commercial supplies and services that can be ordered directly from GSA Schedule contractors or through the GSA Advantage! online shopping and ordering system. Vendors interested in becoming GSA Schedule contractors should review the Getting on the GSA Schedules page, in order to understand the process involved in obtaining a GSA Schedule contract.

GSA schedule vendors can submit their contract proposals, offers and modifications over the Internet via GSA's eOffer system.

Teaming and Subcontracting Arrangements

Frequently, businesses with complementary services will team up to bid on federal contract opportunities. If you're new to federal contracting, teaming with another business as a "subcontractor" is a great way to get your foot in the door in the federal government. The following resources provide guidance for creating teaming arrangements and subcontracting:

Additional Opportunities