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United States Agency for International Development Education, Universities and Training: Basic Education USAID

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picture of girlThrough its basic education program, USAID's Office of Education in the Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT/ED) works with USAID Missions to assist developing countries to improve their respective pre-primary, primary, and secondary levels of education. Teacher training for these levels, as well as adult literacy, are important elements of EGAT/ED’s program.

Specifically USAID’s basic education activities are targeted to:

  • Improving policies and resource allocation by governments to basic education indicating their commitment to the goals of Education for All;
  • Increasing the number of children receiving quality educational programming, in both in and out of school settings;
  • Increasing the number of teachers with improved pedagogical techniques and skills;
  • Having a larger number of communities involved in their schools;
  • Raising the quality and relevancy of curricula and teaching materials;
  • Providing education policy makers with access to more education data and indicators; and
  • Helping more children and teachers use education technology for improved learning.

A special emphasis of all basic education activities is improving opportunities for girls, women and other underserved and disadvantaged populations.

EGAT/ED’s Basic Education and Policy Support Activity (BEPS) is USAID’s mechanism for providing much of the above support worldwide. Click here to learn more.

DHS EdData is the primary mechanism by which EGAT/ED works toward providing developing countries with accurate and timely data for education policy and program planning. Follow this link to learn more about DHS EdData activities as implemented by ORC Macro under an Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC).

The Public-Private Alliance in Education is a five-part EGAT/ED-supported global program that fosters creative solutions to problems in education and leverages significant non-federal resources. Click here to learn more.

The Education Quality Improvement Program (EQUIP) is a major vehicle for EGAT/ED to assist developing countries to improve the quality and relevance of basic education, training and skill development practices and policies. EQUIP targets those countries in which access and quality issues are the most problematic and where they experience the greatest difficulties in meeting Education for All targets.

Additionally, as highlighted above, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is an important tool in increasing the reach and quality of basic education. EGAT/ED's cooperative agreement with the Education Development Center and its five partners — referred to as "dot-EDU" — supports this effort. Click here for more information.

Finally it is important to note that the Office maintains and updates the Global Education Database and releases annually updated versions with the most recent education statistics from UNESCO and from Demographic and Health Surveys.

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Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:39:21 -0500