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Volpe Acoustics provides services to clients requiring technical assistance with highly-specialized transportation-related noise issues.

Please visit How to Start Work to learn more about working with the Volpe Center.

Current Clients:

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Project Plan: Technical Noise and Air Quality Support to Air Tour Management Plans (ATMP)
Sponsor: FAA, Western Pacific Region, Air Tour Management Plans (ATMP)

  • Perform field measurements of aircraft source noise levels and ambient sound levels, as appropriate.
  • Collect aircraft activity data, including operations, flight tracks and schedule.
  • Reduce and analyze the data collected and prepare for input to noise and air quality models.
  • Prepare and review environmental documentation, as required.

Project Plan: Environmental Quality Analysis and Evaluation
Sponsor: FAA, Office of Environment and Energy (AEE)

  • Apply existing capabilities to problems associated with aircraft noise.
  • Plan and perform measurements and analyses pertaining to aircraft operations and noise certification at various locations throughout the country.
  • Perform comprehensive validation of noise measurement and analysis methods employed by the various applicants to FAA seeking certification.
  • Provide administrative and technical support in the planning and assessment of aviation environmental programs.

Project Plan: Airport Noise Simulation and Analysis
Sponsors: FAA, Office of Environment and Energy (AEE)
FAA, Office of Air Traffic Airspace Management Program (ATA)
FAA, Office of Airport Planning and Programming (APP)

  • Perform core development for the FAA's Integrated Noise Model (INM).
  • Provide INM technical assistance and user support.
  • Conduct special projects (e.g., assist in preparation of Environmental Assessment for Grand Canyon National Park, and support for National Rule on Park overflights).
  • Provide SAE Committee A-21 representation.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Project Plan: Highway Traffic Noise Prediction and Analysis
Sponsors: FHWA, Office of Natural Environment (HENE)
FHWA, Office of Engineering Research and Development (HNR)
State Pooled Fund Study

  • Develop FHWA's Traffic Noise Model (TNM®).
  • Conduct diagnostic testing of TNM® and prepare subsequent versions.
  • Provide TNM® technical assistance and user support.
  • Evaluate and document highway noise abatement technologies.
  • Conduct special projects, such as TNM validation.

Project Plan: Highway Noise Model Data Base Development
Sponsors: FHWA, Office of Natural Environment (HENE)
FHWA, Office of Engineering Research and Development (HNR)
State Pooled Fund Study

  • Plan and execute field acquisition, reduction and analyses pertaining to highway noise data at various locations throughout the country.
  • Provide technical support for FHWA's Mobile Noise Data Gathering and Analysis System.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

Project Plan: Highway-Railroad Grade-Crossing Safety Research
Sponsors: FRA, Office of Research and Development (RDV)
FRA, Office of Safety Analysis (RRS)

  • Examine methods of improving audible warning signals at highway-railroad grade crossings to determine optimum performance of audible warning systems while minimizing community noise impact- This includes:
    • Investigation of affects of horn design and placement.
    • Investigation of acoustical environment, including development of vehicle interior noise database.
    • Evaluation of wayside horn systems.
    • Development of an updated Rail Noise Measurement and Assessment Handbook.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Project Plan: Aircraft Noise Model Prediction Support
Sponsor: NASA, Langley Research Center (LaRC)

  • Conduct studies in support of the enhancement of aircraft noise propagation algorithms and aircraft noise modeling.

State/Other Clients

Project Plan: Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Study
Sponsor: Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)

  • Perform field measurements to record highway traffic noise on a highway paved with PCC, with three different surface treatments.
  • Analyze the data collected.
  • Provide ADOT with summarized results of collected data.

Project Plan: Long-Term Pavement Noise Study
Sponsor: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

  • Perform field measurements twice per year along a stretch of pavement, with various types of asphalt overlays.
  • Analyze the data collected.
  • Prepare a final report, which documents the results of the study.

Project Plan: FHWA Traffic Noise Model Support
Sponsor: University of Florida, McTrans Group

  • Provide technical support to the FHWA TNM user community.
  • Prepare updates and conduct maintenance of FHWA TNM software.
  • Maintain FHWA TNM website, including information on frequently asked question pertaining to TNM.

Past Clients and other organizations that the Acoustics Facility has worked with: