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U.S./China Mapping Protocol

Leader: Jonathan Smith, jhsmith@usgs.gov
Overview: The Protocol, which includes four project annexes, promotes ongoing scientific and technical cooperation in cartography, photogrammetry, satellite remote sensing, GIS, spatial data management, map production management and technology, and in the development and application of GPS and geodetic gravity data. The Parties have agreed to continue cooperation in the four existing Protocol annexes during the period 2001-2006 and to evolve toward a more developmental research and applications approach that engages the core scientific and technical capabilities of SBSM and USGS in areas of mutual interest. The Parties will continue cooperation on Global Mapping and Global Spatial Data Infrastructure activities and will work toward linking the Protocol to other international environmental and sustainable development initiatives.

project locations mapproject locations map

signing documents

project participants

USGS Mission
Tie In:
Remote sensing and GIS are evolving technologies that are important to future USGS programs which can benefit from broad applications and cooperative exchange of information. Partly as a result of the Protocol, China is now a key collaborator with USGS in international mapping and data standards activities.

Discipline: Geography
Locations: Historically limited to areas in the U.S. and China, projects worked under the Protocol are evolving toward a more global focus for remote sensing and GIS applications.
Web Sites:
None created
Partners: State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

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URL: http://international.usgs.gov/projects/prjuschinamap.htm
Page Contact Information: Page Contact Information: IP Web Team
Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Oct-2007 14:05:39 EDT