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Behavioral Ecology of Micronesian Kingfishers on Pohnpei:
use of a surrogate subspecies in recovery of the birds from Guam

Leader: Dr. Susan Haig, susan_haig@usgs.gov
Overview: Among the four described subspecies of Micronesian Kingfisher, one is extinct, the Guam birds are only in captivity (n= 50), birds on Palau are doing poorly, and Pohnpei birds may be declining. Thus, our efforts have been to study the behavior and ecology of the healthiest population (Pohnpei) so we can begin to mitigate future loss of wild populations, improve husbandry for the captive program, and facilitate reintroduction of Guam birds to the wild.

This project ties in with Species at Risk goals set by USGS and is carried out in close collaboration with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy on Pohnpei, the Guam Division of Wildlife and Aquatic Resources, and many U.S. zoos.
project location

measuring a nesting tree
Nest measurements were recorded for all
nests located during fieldwork. These
measurements later led to a subsequent
analysis and findings of bird preferences that
were used to assist in the recovery of birds in the captive rearing program.

tagging bird
In order to understand life history traits
such as survival and dispersal of
Micronesian Kingfishers, individuals
are marked with unique combinations of coloredleg bands as chicks.
USGS Mission
Tie In:
The project ties in with USGS Species at Risk program and with the overall mission of USGS to restore or enhance vulnerable or declining populations and habitats.
Discipline: Biology
Locations: Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia; Guam
Web Sites: None created
Partners: FSM Historic Preservation Office and Pohnpei Forestry Department
The Nature Conservancy on Pohnpei

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URL: http://international.usgs.gov/projects/prjkingfishers.htm
Page Contact Information: Page Contact Information: IP Web Team
Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Oct-2007 14:05:39 EDT