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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 783  

Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to Employees Employed As Seamen

29 CFR 783.29 - Adoption of the exemption in the original 1938 Act.

  • Section Number: 783.29
  • Section Name: Adoption of the exemption in the original 1938 Act.

    (a) The general pattern of the legislative history of the Act shows 
that Congress intended to exempt, as employees ``employed as'' seamen, 
only workers performing water transportation services. The original bill 
considered by the congressional committees contained no exemption for 
seamen or other transportation workers. At the joint hearings before the 
Senate and House Committees on Labor, representatives of the principal 
labor organizations representing seamen and other transportation workers 
testified orally and by writing that the peculiar needs of their 
industry and the fact that they were already under special governmental 
regulation made it unwise to bring them within the scope of the proposed 
legislation (see Joint Hearings before Senate Committee on Education and 
Labor and House Committee on Labor on S. 2475 and H.R. 7200, 75th Cong., 
1st sess., pp. 545, 546, 547, 549, 1216, 1217). The committees evidently 
acquiesced in this view and amendments were accepted (81 Cong. Rec. 
7875) and subsequently adopted in the law, exempting employees employed 
as seamen (sec. 13(a)(3)), certain employees of motor carriers (sec. 
13(b)(1)), railroad employees (sec. 13(b)(2)), and employees of carriers 
by air (sec. 13(a)(4), now sec. 13(b)(3)).
    (b) That the exemption was intended to exempt employees employed as 
``seamen'' in the ordinary meaning of that word is evidenced by the fact 
that the chief proponents for the seamen's exemption were the Sailors 
Union of the Pacific and the National Maritime Union. The former wrote 
asking for an exemption for ``seamen'' for the reason that they were 
already under the jurisdiction of the Maritime Commission pursuant to 
the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (Joint Hearings before the Committees on 
Labor on S. 2475 and H.R. 7200, 75th Cong., 1st sess., pp. 1216, 1217). 
The representative of the latter union also asked that ``seamen'' be 
exempted for the same reason saying * * * ``We feel that in a general 
interpretation of the whole bill that the way has been left open for the 
proposed Labor Standards Board to have jurisdiction over those classes 
of workers who are engaged in transportation. While this may not have an 
unfavorable effect upon the workers engaged in transportation by water, 
we feel that it may conflict with the laws now in effect regarding the 
jurisdiction of the government machinery now set up to handle these 
problems'' (id. at p. 545). And he went on to testify, ``What we would 
like is an interpretation of the bill which would provide a protective 
clause for the `seamen' '' (id. at p. 547).
    (c) Consonant with this legislative history, the courts in 
interpreting the phrase ``employee employed as a seaman'' for the 
purpose of the Act have given it its commonly accepted meaning, namely, 
one who is aboard a vessel necessarily and primarily in aid of its 
navigation (Walling v. Bay State Dredging and Contracting Co., 149 F. 2d 
346; Walling v. Haden, 153 F. 2d 196; Sternberg Dredging Co. v. Walling, 
158 F. 2d 678). In arriving at this conclusion the courts recognized 
that the term ``seaman'' does not have a fixed and precise meaning but 
that its meaning is governed by the context in which it is used and the 
purpose of the statute in which it is found. In construing the Fair 
Labor Standards Act, as a remedial statute passed for the benefit of all 
workers engaged in commerce, unless exempted, the courts concluded that 
giving a liberal interpretation of the meaning of the term ``seaman'' as 
used in an exemptive provision of the Act would frustrate rather than 
accomplish the legislative purpose (Helena Glendale Ferry Co. v. 
Walling, 132 F. 2d 616; Walling v. Bay State Dredging and Contracting 
Co., supra; Sternberg Dredging Co. v. Walling, supra; Walling v. Haden, 
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