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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 575  

Waiver of Child Labor Provisions for Agricultural Employment of 10 and 11 Year Old Minors In Hand Harvesting of Short Season Crops

29 CFR 575.5 - Supporting data to accompany application.

  • Section Number: 575.5
  • Section Name: Supporting data to accompany application.

    Objective data, as required by section 13(c)(4) of the Act, shall 
also be submitted by the employer or group of employers applying for a 
waiver, to show that:
    (a) The crop to be harvested is one with a ``particularly short 
harvesting season.'' The variety of each crop to be harvested must 
ordinarily be harvested within 4 weeks in the region in which the waiver 
will be applicable. The Administrator will accept the written statement 
to that effect from the agricultural extension agent for the county.
    (b) The 12-year minimum age prescribed by the Act for such 
employment would cause ``severe economic disruption in the industry of 
the employer or group of employers applying for the waiver.'' Severe 
economic disruption in the industry refers to the consequences of not 
meeting a compelling need for the employment of 10- and 11-year olds to 
avoid loss of a significant portion of the crop. Evidence of this need 
includes the projected number of laborers needed to harvest the acreage 
planted and evidence that recruitment requirements specified in 
paragraph (e) of this section have been complied with. Data concerning 
the number of hand harvest laborers used in previous years for given 
acreages will serve as a basis for evaluating needs for the current 
year. If the requisite number of workers cannot be recruited from the 
labor supply of 12 years and above, this would ordinarily demonstrate 
the compelling need for the employment of 10 and 11 year olds.
    (c) The employment of minors under the waiver ``would not be 
deleterious to their health or well-being.'' This refers to the 
prospective effect on the health or well-being generally (i.e., other 
than the tolerance level of pesticides or other chemicals) of 10 and 11 
year-old hand harvesters. The Administrator will accept signed 
statements to that effect from doctors, or nurses or public health 
officials in the region.
    (d) The ``level and type of pesticides and other chemicals used 
would not have an adverse effect on the health or well-being of'' minors 
employed under the waiver. The safe reentry standards established by the 
Environmental Protection Agency, and followed by other Federal and State 
agencies, were established for adult workers and have not been shown to 
be safe for 10 and 11 year olds. Therefore, the applicant, in order to 
satisfy this condition, will either have to submit a statement that no 
pesticides or other chemicals were used on the crop to be harvested or 
submit data which upon study by the Secretary or the Secretary's 
designee establishes a safe reentry times for 10 and 11 year olds. If 
such data, or additional studies conducted by the Secretary or the 
Secretary's designee, establish safe reentry standards for 10 and 11 
year olds, this section will be amended to include such standards and 
the applicant will then need only identify the type and level of 
pesticides or chemicals used and the date of last application of same 
prior to harvest.
    (e) Individuals age 12 and above are not available for such 
employment. Evidence of such unavailability must be documented by the 
applicant by:
    (1) Placement of intrastate and interstate job orders, in which the 
piece rate is specified, with the state employment service sufficiently 
in advance of the harvest to allow reasonable time for the recruitment 
of local and migrant workers. An interstate order need not be placed if 
the applicant can demonstrate that suitable housing is not available.
    (2) Placement of at least two advertisements in local papers of 
general circulation or advertisements over local radio stations.
    (3) Contact with farm labor contractors, migrant workers, and other 
potential workers.
    (4) Contact with schools, business and labor organizations, non-
profit organizations and public agencies to enlist their help. Data 
showing the responses received to these solicitations must be 
categorized by age and submitted with the waiver application to verify 
that older workers are not available to perform the work.
    (f) The ``industry of such employer or groups of employers has 
traditionally and substantially employed individuals under twelve years 
of age without displacing substantial job opportunities for individuals 
over sixteen years of age.'' Documentation that the industry has 
traditionally and substantially employed individuals under 12 years of 
age may include newspaper reports, magazine articles, research 
organization reports, or other appropriate sources. Data to indicate 
that such employment did not displace substantial job opportunities for 
individuals over 16 years of age may include the signed statement of an 
appropriate official of the employment service agency of the State (or 
States, if region designated crosses State lines) certifying to that 
fact. This certification must be based on statistical documentation for 
at least the previous year.
    (g) When supporting data required by this section are submitted by 
an employer or group of employers, the objective data required by 
paragraph (d) of this section shall be submitted on the basis of each 
individual employer. However, objective data required by paragraphs (a), 
(b), (c), (e), and (f) of this section may be submitted for the specific 
geographic area, e.g., an entire county, of the employer or group of 
[43 FR 26562, June 21, 1978; 43 FR 28471, June 30, 1978, as amended at 
44 FR 22061, Apr. 13, 1979; 44 FR 24059, Apr. 24, 1979; 44 FR 29049, May 
18, 1979; 45 FR 55177, Aug. 19, 1980]
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