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There are 51 related subtopics:
  Now Displaying Items 1 to 5 of 5 matching resources Narrow Your Search
 1.  State Wetlands Information Tool (SWIFT)
Most states have enacted laws and regulations to protect wetlands. In many cases, these rules are established to define the state's role in the permit process. However, some state laws have other impacts. For example, states may adopt a definition of wetlands or regulated activities that are different than the federal definitions. This could for example, qualify an area as a wetland that does not meet the federal definition. SWIFT is an interactive tool to help you find out more about your state's rules.
URL:  http://www.cicacenter.org/swift.html
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 2.  Asbestos State Resource Locator
This resource is designed to help companies in the construction industry know about and comply with the regulations affecting the handling of asbestos. This resource includes a page for every state with links to the resources available from the state. You will find links to general information, fact sheets, permit forms and guidance, contact information and other helpful resources and tools.
URL:  http://www.cicacenter.org/asrl.html
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 3.  Storm Water Resource Locator
This resource is designed to help companies in the construction industry know about and comply with the storm water rules in their area. This resource includes a page for every state with links to the resources available from the state, arranged to make it as easy as possible for you to pick out what you will need.
URL:  http://www.envcap.org/swrl/
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 4.  ENVCAP RCRA/Hazardous Waste Resource Locator
An interactive directory of state-specific hazardous waste and RCRA compliance resources. You will find general information, fact sheets, permit forms and guidance, contact information and other helpful resources and tools
URL:  http://www.envcap.org/hwrl/
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Previous Clearinghouse users rated this site scored 3.5 - 4.49 (out of 5) by our users
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 5.  Enviroweb's links to state environmental organizations
This page provides links to State Environmental Agencies and Small Business Assistance Programs.
URL:  http://www.smallbiz-enviroweb.org/seasbapweb.html
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URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/clearinghouse/index.cfm?TopicID=C:10:100:150:
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008