USGS - science for a changing world

Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center

MCGSC Home  Staff  David K. Shaver

David K. Shaver


USGS Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center
1400 Independence Road
Rolla, Missouri 65401

Phone: (573) 308-3866
Fax: (573) 308-3794

David Shaver Areas of Interest:
  • Land Cover Classification
  • Object-Oriented Feature Extraction
  • Integrating GPS/GIS in Field Environments

Current Projects:
  • Land Cover Trends
    • Interior River Lowlands Ecoregion
    • Boston Mountains Ecoregion
    • Ozark Highlands Ecoregion

Past Projects:
  • Controlled Burn Severity Assessment
    • Kaintuck Hollow, Missouri

  • Continuing Education towards MS in Geographic Information Science - NWMSU (2004 to present)
  • GIS Certification coursework - Simon Frazier, British Columbia (2001-2002)
  • B.S Majoring in Geology - NWMSU, Maryville, MO (1983)

Professional Affiliations/Achievements:
  • 2005 USGS Superior Service Award
  • Association of American Geographers
  • American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS Central Region Board Member 2003 - 2005
  • GPS Technical Specialist - Columbia Space Shuttle Recovery, Nacogdoches, Texas

  • GIS Technical Specialist for the Incident Command System
  • GPS Technical Specialist for the Incident Command System

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Page Last Modified: Monday, 17-Dec-2007 15:19:30 EST