Front Cover

About the Journal
Table of Contents
United States Arctic Research Plan Biennial Revision: 2004-2008
Executive Summary
(PDF, 60kb)

1. Introduction (PDF, 37kb)

2. Special Focus Interagency Research Programs (PDF, 178kb)

3. Agency Programs (PDF, 61kb)

4. Research Support, Logistics, Facilities, Data, and Information (PDF, 42kb)

5. Bibliography (PDF, 26kb)

Appendix A: Glossary of Acronyms
Appendix B: Eighth Biennial Report of the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee to the Congress
Appendix C: Arctic Research Budgets of Federal Agencies
Appendix D: Federal Arctic Research Program Descriptions
Appendix E: Arctic Research and Policy Act, As Amended
Appendix F: Principles for the Conduct of Research in the Arctic
Appendix G: Acknowledgments
Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Staff
(PDF, 129kb)

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