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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Monday, November 20, 2006


Gutierrez Applauds U.S.-Russia Bilateral Market Access Agreement on Accession to the WTO

WASHINGTON—U.S. Commerce Secretary M. Carlos Gutierrez made the following statement applauding the U.S.-Russia bilateral agreement which successfully concludes twelve years of negotiations addressing bilateral market access issues. The agreement also moves Russia one step closer to accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO):

"The U.S.-Russia bilateral agreement is a significant milestone.

"The agreement underscores Russia's commitment to adhere to the rules of the global trading system and to compete in the global economy as an equal member of the WTO. Russia has committed to allow American manufacturers, farmers and service providers better access to its markets and to enhance enforcement and protection of intellectual property rights.

"The agreement sets the stage for increased economic growth and prosperity that will benefit both countries once it is fully implemented. We look forward to working with Russia and the other members of the WTO to conclude the final multilateral phase of negotiations that are necessary to confirm how Russia will implement WTO rules and complete the WTO accession process."